Review: Incense by Symbolry Designs

Review: Incense by Symbolry Designs August 2, 2019

A few weeks ago, my family and I received a set of incense sticks/cones created by Chris Gonsalves, the owner and creater of Symbolry Designs, in exchange for an honest review on our podcast. I love incense and have a large collection of loose, cone, and stick varieties for use in my home. So, I was excited to try Symbolry Designs stick and cone incense for the first time.

Holy Damn! This incense brand is amazing. Which is why I decided to share a review of Symbolry Incense on the blog as well.

I love Symbolry Incense. Image via author.

Symbolry Incense is hand-dipped and custom blended with high quality ingredients, offering a slow burn and delightful scent which lingers in a room for hours. Regardless of which scent you choose, and there is a large collection of scent choices available, Symbolry Incense elevates the energy of a ritual space, living room, or a person’s mood.

As mentioned above, I use a lot of incense from a variety of companies. Symbolry is the first stick or cone incense I’ve found where the scent is not cloying or overpowering. Additionally, the sticks are uniform in thickness and are a generous length. This is a bonus in my book. Uniformity is not always found in hand-rolled or hand-dipped incense sticks and cones. In my opinion, Symbolry has perfected the stick and cone incense creation method.

Symbolry’s Cone Incense is a little smaller than other standard cone incenses available on the market. They do, however, provide a nice smoke and are a better option if you want to burn incense on a small altar and desire a shorter burn time.

Symbolry Cone Incense
Small but mighty! Image via author.

Symbolry Designs has also created my new favorite incense burner! The Wine Bottle Incense Burner is practical, affordable, and offers the unique benefit of a controlled burn for your stick incense. The wine bottle keeps your space clean as the ashes are caught in the bottle. There is  a small hole in the bottom of the bottle for dumping the ashes, so cleanup is easy. Here is a brief description from Symbolry’s Etsy Store:

“To use, you simply slide the bamboo end of the incense stick into the handmade copper clip, and center it (see pictures). Light the stick, blow out the flame and then simply hang the stick upside down in the bottle, using the cork and handmade chain to balance the ring and stick so it’s centered in the bottle and not touching the sides”

Beautiful and easy to use!

Symbolry Wine Bottle Cork Top via Symbolry Designs.

3 Pagans and a Cat highly recommends Symbolry Designs Incense. With a variety of scents from which to choose and affordable pricing, the products are amazing. There is also a generous amount of incense in each package with around 25 sticks or 15 cones. Not to mention, the engergetic benefit of the ingredients which can assist in your magickal and/or ritual work as well as enrich your life.

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Modern Hekataen-Green Witch, Devotee of the Covenant of Hekate, and Clairsentient Medium. She loves working with herbs, essential oils and plants. In the past, she has been a musician, teacher, and published author. Now, together with Car and Ode, Gwyn is a teacher/presenter at multiple Pagan events, and loves to chat about witchcraft, spiritual things, and life in general. You can read more about the author here.

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