Review: The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might

Review: The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might December 6, 2019

As a Hekataen Witch, it should surprise noone that I’m drawn to other “Dark” Goddesses such as the Morrigan. Which is why I jumped at the chance to review a new book by Courtney Weber about this enigmatic diety. The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might is not the first book I’ve read by Courtney Weber, but it definitely puts me in the mind to read anything she writes in the future. So, let’s take a look at her latest offering.

Crows and ravens (“black birds” in Celtic lore) can be a sign of the Morrigan. Image by MabelAmber via


Writing a book about a goddess as intersting as the Morrigan must have been a daunting task. Why? Because the Morrigan is a study of contradictions. However, Courtney Weber has been able to shed light on the mysteries of “the Phantom Queen” and encourage those willing to reach out (or answer a summons) with lore, anectdotal information and methods with which to explore devotion, or a working relationship, with the Morrigan.

First, a bit of the description from the back of the book:

“Goddess of war, witchcraft, death, protection and retribution, the Morrigan is one of Pagan Ireland’s most famous — and notorious–goddesses. Her name translates as “great queen” or “phantom queen.” 

In The Morrigan, author Courtney Weber provides a guide for the modern devotee of this complex, mysterious goddess encompassing practical veneration and contemporary devotionals, entwined with traditional lore and Irish-Celtic history.”

Chapters include topics such as Meeting the Morrigan, Oracles and Omens, The Washer at the Ford, Goddess? Faery? Both?, Goddess of Sovereignty, Shape Shifting Goddess, and more. Weber even touches on the question of the Morrigan’s possible connection to Morgan Le Fey (a popular, modern notion). In addition, there are ritiual suggestions and short testimonials by other Morrigan devotees, speaking of their experiences with the goddess, at the end of each chapter.

“The Morrigan” by Koehne via

Morrigan – First Impressions

Written in an easy to read style, The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might by Courtney Weber is an excellent book. Well-researched, interesting and engaging, the reader is informed and inspired to learn more about a goddess whom is both revered and feared by many.

Sharing from her own experiences, Weber gives insight about the goddess from which the reader can glean. However, the provided history and lore of the Irish Celts offers greater context, especially with translated stories included. Additionally, the extensive notes and bibliography are valuable and appreciated.

The Morrigan as a horse. Image by OpenClip-Art Vectors via

Morrigan – Final Thoughts

There may not be enough good things for me to say about this book. Once I started reading The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might, there was no stopping or putting it down until finished. And I am looking forward to re-reading each chapter in more depth, taking my time, and adapting the suggested rituals into my own practice.

Regardless of whether you work with the Morrigan, have a devotional practice, or just want to learn more about Irish Celtic lore in regard to the goddess, you want to read this book. With the stories provided and expert interpretations offered, there is so much to learn and explore.

So, go forth and procure a copy of The Morrigan – Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might. Share it with your friends and then go read Courtney’s book about Brigid (which I love and recommend also). You will be glad you did.

3 Pagans and a Cat highly recommends this book.

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Modern Hekataen-Green Witch, Devotee of the Covenant of Hekate, and Clairsentient Medium. She loves working with herbs, essential oils and plants. In the past, she has been a musician, teacher, and published author. Now, together with Car and Ode, Gwyn is a teacher/presenter at multiple Pagan events, and loves to chat about witchcraft, spiritual things, and life in general. You can read more about the author here.

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