Review: Entering Hekate’s Garden by Cyndi Brannen

Review: Entering Hekate’s Garden by Cyndi Brannen October 28, 2020

There have been several books written by Dr. Cyndi Brannen but I believe Entering Hekate’s Garden may be the best one. And having spent time with her at PantheaCon in February, I know this book holds a special place for Cyndi.

While this book is geared toward Hekataen Witches, the information in this book is valuable to all who work with plant allies and practice plant-based witchcraft. With a twenty-year background in herbalism, Cyndi Brannen brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

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Hekate’s Garden: What You Find In The Book

Written with a poetic voice, Cyndi Brannen shares the history of Hekate (as well as Circe and Medea) unverified personal gnosis, and botanical experience, and wisdom on every page. There is an introduction to pharmakeia (plant spirit witchcraft) and what it means. You will find practical information on ritual, detailed monographs on 39 botanicals, meditations, a delicious looking recipe, and much more.

In fact, the book takes you on a journey.

It begins with a prolog written in Medea’s voice, moves into a “call” to pharmakeia (plant spirit witchcraft), and goes on to explain Hekate as the source of this witchcraft. From there, you learn about building “the foundation”, working in “the system” of pharmakeia, and then “the process” of putting it all together. The subtitle for this book is “The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft.” And Cyndi delivers.

Image by the author. A picture of my own Hekataen altar.

 Hekate’s Garden: My Thoughts

In my opinion, this book is the next level for Hekataen Witches. It is the third in a series of books on witchcraft that Cyndi has written. I think this one is the best of them all. And while this book does focus on Hekate (Medea & Circe) I believe any Green Witch, Green Earth Witch, Kitchen Witch, or any who work in plant-nature based witchcraft will find Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft a “must-have” for their herbalism/plant spirit witchcraft practice.

I’ve worked in this kind of magick since first introduced to witchcraft twenty years ago. I’ve read plenty of books on magickal herbalism, herbalism in general, and witchcraft. This book is a beautiful blend of all those subjects in one volume. And for me, it is going to be one I reference so much the edges will wear. It’s well organized, insightful, and has a lot of practical application. What more could you want?

So, go forth and PRE-ORDER this book! It becomes available on November 1st. It will make for a great distraction (and source of inspiration) while all the “other stuff” is going on.

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Green Earth Witch devoted to the Earth Mother, Hekate, Brighid, and Frigga. She is a Clairsentient Medium, Tarot Reader, loves writing and, spending time with her family, as well as working with herbs, essential oils, and plants. You can read more about the author here.

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