Beyond The Parenting Tale of Junior Mourning Dove (Part 2 of 4)

Beyond The Parenting Tale of Junior Mourning Dove (Part 2 of 4) July 27, 2018

 In Part 1 of this blog, we saw how our parenting prayers could be answered by nature, a true gift from God when our fledglings refuse to leave the nest. In part 2 The School of Life begins for Junior Dove and the rest of the neighborhood bird families.  


The Hummingbird twins were gone! Their familiar tweeting directed my gaze off of the porch to the row of fruit trees. They were in the orange tree with their parents. When I clicked to them, they flew in a zig-zag motion to the fig tree. One of them hung upside down on a branch and looked at me through his tail feathers as if to say, “Look. I’m flying. I’m a big boy now.” Then their parents called them back into the orange tree.

The Mocking Bird triplets were on the ground, hiding in the ornamental bushes until their parents showed up with food. Then they hopped and beat their tiny wings against their sides to get fed.

I checked on Junior. He was alone in the nest and peered down on me while I peeked up at him. He bobbed his head as if to say, “Where are they? Are you going to feed me?”

From the roof came the call of Mr. and Mrs. Dove. “Breakfast is ready. Come and get it.” Junior did not budge….

In the orange tree, the Hummingbird twins were perfecting their miraculous flight skills. It has been scientifically proven that it is aerodynamically impossible for hummingbirds to fly. Thankfully, the scientists forgot to tell the Hummingbirds, and the twins have not yet learned to read.

By noon the Mockingbird family was safely perched together on a branch that became a Jungle- Jim for the triplets.

Despite Mr. and Mrs. Mourning Dove’s constant verbal coxing Junior still sat alone in his nest.

Finally, Mrs. Dove flew onto the branch, look at Junior who was bobbing his little head begging for food. She flew to the ground and called to Junior who peered over the nest at her, but did not budge. Mrs. Dove was joined by Daddy Dove who also called to Junior. All of which was being observed by the other bird families. You could almost imagine the Mocking Birds snickering to each other, “Tisk, tisk.”

Finally, Mr. Dove flew up to the nest. When junior stood up and began to bob his head daddy gently climbed into the nest behind him and pushed him to the edge. Junior teetered and then fell, fluttering and flapping all the way to the ground.

Daddy Dove had given the baby boy the boot.

Watch for part 2 of this 4 part Parenting Blog when it is fly-or die-time for Junior Dove and the other neighborhood bird families.

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About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV Producer/Host and Author/Lecturer of Dreams That Can Save Your Life written with Dr. Larry Burk, Foreword by Berne Siegel, which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. Contact –Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Website


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Article Research:

Animal Behavior | Psychology Today; The World of Animals

The Bird That Shouldn’t Be Able To Fly

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