COVID: Call Me Worthy of Shelter

COVID: Call Me Worthy of Shelter June 21, 2020

So many of us are still in the grip of COVID-19. Although life as we know it may have changed, God and his love for us has not. Although challenged, we are also strengthened by our faith and belief. No matter how difficult life may get, we will not be alone. In our darkest hour, God will be our light.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my Above and Beyond the 5 Senses, guest blogger, Dr. Anne Worth.  Sharing Dr. Worth with you is such a gift from God. Please enjoy her blog about how God works in mysterious ways while we “shelter” during COVID-19.

Dr. Worth is no stranger to extreme life challenges, including abuse,  as she writes about them in her memoir,

Call Me Worthy, which takes the reader on her journey in search of God.


Although her life-altering relationship with God and Jesus began later in life, it continues to grow and guide her life.  Dr. Anne Worth holds a

master’s and a doctorate degree in counseling psychology. She has been in private practice for almost 40 years.


COVID: Call Me Worthy of Shelter

by Dr. Anne Worth

God is good all the time! ~ Dr. Anne Worth, author and therapist.

Shelter is a beautiful word, used many times in the Bible to speak of God’s protection and rest. Psalm 91, Psalm 9:9, Psalm 31:20, to mention just a few references. But in our humanness, it is difficult to feel safe as we shelter ourselves “in place” from the pandemic raging around us. We are spiritual beings living a human existence. As such, we are fragile and vulnerable. We are shocked and grieved at the loss, pain, and suffering around us. Yet God is always there to nourish our spirit and give us the ability to live in a spiritual dimension here on earth.

I am not on the front lines of an emergency room or exposed to the virus through my essential job, and can hardly imagine how difficult human stress and strain is for those who are there.  And yet, God offers a refuge.  We can go to him in every circumstance, even for a few seconds, and find the kind of strength and peace that makes no sense to anyone who doesn’t know Him.

As I stay in my home to follow the guidelines to keep myself and others safe, I try to follow one of the most important commandments…to seek first the Kingdom and God. The peace I find under the shelter of His wings, helps me extend hope to others.

God promises He will give us the things we need.

Many times in my seventy-seven years, I did not receive from Him what I asked for or wanted.  Yet as time passed, I could see that He gave me what was best for me. I couldn’t see it at the time, but in retrospect, I see His hand in how things unfolded.


We are being called to be salt and light to a dark and dying world.

Yes, we will grieve and mourn, but the sun will return, and in the midst of the storm, we can be a comfort to others.

I experienced loss after loss in my life. Yet, God is good all the time! And He used everything in my life to help me help others.


Thank you, Dr. Anne Worth, for sharing your wisdom, and God with us.

About the Guest Blogger: Dr. Anne Worth is the author of Call Me Worthy and has contributed to many publications listed on her website, along with her blog.  Dr. Worth is a speaker and has assisted in Someone Cares Retreats for women who have had abortions, which is part of her own story.  She is a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, and that is a story in itself because Anne has never had a biological child.

Dr. Anne has mothered many children…men and women from war-torn Sudan, an orphan from Russia, abused and neglected women-all of them call her Mama or Grand Mom or GG. Learn more about Dr. Anne Worth, her work, and her book @

About the author: Bio: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: aka The Queen of Dreams Syndicated Columnist, PR Guru, VIDEO Podcaster/Show Host Dreaming Healing, 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor, multi-award-winning author, Dreaming Healing Video Podcaster, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, (2018 Nautilus Award Winner) Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s an Author/Lecturer Keynote who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @


Photo Credit:


book cover “Call Me Worthy” used with permission by guest blogger and author Dr. Anne Worth


Photo of Dr. Anne Worth used with her permission.

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