Achieving Wealth is Easier Than You Think!

Achieving Wealth is Easier Than You Think! April 21, 2024


Achieving Wealth is Easer Than You Think!/Image courtesy of Bing Copyright-Free Images

Yes, Achieving Wealth is Easier Than You Think!

It’s true that achieving wealth is easier than you think, if you know how to receive it.  Yet today I am seeing so much turmoil that many people find themselves in regarding job loss, the dramatically increasing cost of food and living expenses. And I have heard so much panic in the voices of my friends and family.

So, I think it’s time to help you understand something. Despite the panic and turmoil that so many people face today, just trying to take care of their family and themselves, God has always provided everything you could possibly need.   But only if you understand how to tap into His limitless supply of everything you desire.  Philippians 4;19 states: “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

What is YOUR Definition of Wealth?

To begin this series of lessons, ask yourself this question:  What is YOUR definition of Wealth?  Is it MORE STUFF, or MORE JOY?

Webster’s definition of wealth says:

  • A lot of money or property
  • A great amount of possessions
  • A large amount of something
  • Abundance or affluence

In other words, Webster’s definition relates to more stuff. This reminds me of a verse in a poem that I wrote years ago:

“Our life’s about working to purchase more stuff, to cover our fear we’re just not good enough.”

 Achieving Wealth Requires a Certain Mind Set

So, before moving forward in achieving the wealth that you desire, it is important for you to understand that you will not achieve anything until you:

  • Believe that it is possible to achieve wealth,
  • Get Clear on what it is you want,
  • Thank God for your wealth, which is yours by Divine Right as a Child of God, and
  • Take Action to make it happen, knowing that the Universe will match your action to fulfill your desires.

 Here is what most of you have been told about getting anything you desire. You must:

  • “Pray to God to give you what you want,” or
  • “Plead with God for what it is you want,” and
  • “Be worthy to receive God’s blessings.”

 Sound familiar? It did to me for many, many years. And since I always believed that I was a no-good sinner who didn’t deserve any of God’s blessings, I just didn’t bother to even ask.

Wealth Is Not Based on Worthiness

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this was not true! I discovered that God sees all of us as His children, a Spark of His Divine Love. He sees only perfect spiritual beings who are having an imperfect human experience here on Planet Earth, making mistakes, incurring pain, and suffering for ourselves and others, and growing spiritually in the process. Who knew?

Every soul here on Planet Earth is here to overcome challenges to move up the ladder of soul growth, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t also enjoy the blessings that God has already created for you as you work through these challenges.  Part of your soul growth is to experience both good and bad things, and to take part in doing both good and bad things.

You all make human, imperfect mistakes in your life. It is why you are here on Planet Earth instead of safely Back Home on The Other Side. Each mistake is an opportunity to GROW SPIRITUALLY, not BEAT YOURSELF UP for perceiving yourself as a bad person, a no-good sinner!  This false belief holds you back from achieving your God-Given Wealth.

God Has Created a Trust Fund for You!

Look at it this way. Let’s say that your parents love you and want you to be taken care of.  They go to the bank and open an account in your name, and they place into this account a Trust Fund of money that is available to you anytime you want it.

To access these funds, you simply enter your Password, and the funds are yours, to use as you please. Your parents didn’t attach any strings to this Trust Fund. It is available to you anytime, regardless of what terrible things you may think you have done. You don’t have to EARN it.

Guess what! God has done the same thing! He has set up a Trust Fund in YOUR NAME, with unlimited resources that are available to you anytime you want to access them. You don’t have to BE DESERVING AND GOOD ENOUGH to receive these resources. You simply need to enter your Password to access them.

Guess What Your Password Is!

Do you know what your Password is? It is:


 Yes, that is all you need to say to access all the unlimited resources God has prepared for you. God refers to these resources as Your Divine Gifts. Unfortunately, most people never access their Divine Gifts because they don’t Believe they are there for them, and they don’t Believe They Are Worthy to Receive Them.

 Now that you know the Truth, let us begin your journey to Achieving Wealth.

This Week’s Course of Action

The first step to achieving wealth is to identify exactly what wealth means to you. Take a piece of paper and write down the answers to these questions:

  • What is MY definition of Wealth?
  • How do I PERCEIVE others achieving Wealth?
  • How do I FEEL about myself achieving Wealth?
  • Who or what has KEPT ME from achieving Wealth?
  • What is my greatest FEAR surrounding Wealth?

Get Clear on What is Holding You Back

If you are finally able to GET CLEAR on what has been holding you back from achieving the desires of your heart, you can bless these feelings and release them.

PLEASE give yourself some time to do this. Get quiet and silently ask each question. And then wait for Guidance to give you an answer and write it down.

After you have received an answer to each question, review your answers. Do they resonate with you? Do you feel like you are ready to release these limited thoughts that are holding you back?

Wonderful! Let your journey begin!


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