Achieving Wealth – The Miracle of Forgiveness – Lesson 4

Achieving Wealth – The Miracle of Forgiveness – Lesson 4 May 12, 2024

Achieving Wealth – The Miracle of Forgiveness/Image courtesy of Bing Copyright Free Images

Achieving Wealth – The Miracle of Forgiveness

Yes, in achieving wealth, you will learn the miracle of forgiveness.  And you cannot learn the lesson of forgiveness too many times.  Plus, lack of forgiveness can keep you from Achieving the Wealth you desire.  As a matter of fact, an article in Positive Psychology Magazine states: “ Not only is forgiveness good for the soul, but it also has positive benefits on our mental and even physical wellbeing (Luskin, 2003).”

Forgiving someone doesn’t condone what they may have done to you. Forgiveness is for your benefit. Nevertheless, so many people I coached were frustrated. They did everything I coached them to do. And yet they were not getting the results they wanted.

They usually got angry and defensive when I questioned them about forgiveness.  This was an indication that I was on the right track, and they still had some forgiveness issues to work out.

People Hold on to Unforgiveness for Many Reasons

Forgiveness is really the key to achieving the wealth you desire.  Yet, people hold on to unforgiveness for many reasons. You feel the person doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Or you choose to hold on to the pain and anguish they caused you, somehow believing you are punishing THEM.  Perhaps you may even subconsciously choose to fail in everything you do to SHOW THEM what they did to you.

My beautiful souls, you are here on Planet Earth to grow spiritually, to move up the ladder of soul growth. This is accomplished through some tough experiences. How can you appreciate LIGHT if you never experienced DARK? Or how can you appreciate LOVE if you never experience FEAR?

The people who cause you the most pain could very well be souls who agreed on a Soul Level to help you in your soul growth. It’s time to forgive and release!

My Forgiveness Blessed Me with a Free Truck!

In an earlier post I shared that years ago, when I became a residential home builder, I needed a truck for my business, but I couldn’t really afford to pay cash for one, and I didn’t want to incur the debt of a monthly car payment.

As I thought about my dilemma, I remembered two people who owed me money and never paid me back. The amount they owed me came to about $4,400. Geez! If those deadbeats only paid me what they owed me, I could buy a truck!

God Told Me to Forgive the Debt

So, I turned to God in prayer.  And then God spoke to me and said, “Kathy, forgive the debt, bless the debtor, and give it to Me.”  I blurted out, “What? How’s that going to get me a truck?”  Once again, God spoke to me, “Forgive the debt, bless the debtors and give it to Me.” So, I said, “OK, Lord, I forgive the debt, I bless those two people, and I’m giving it to you. I trust that You will take care of this.” 

I Chose Forgiveness

A couple of weeks later while attending a Homebuilders Association monthly luncheon, I talked to another homebuilder who wanted to hire my consulting services on some issues he knew I was familiar with. And he said he would call me.

So, he called me the following week, I thought, to discuss some consulting work.   But instead he began hemming and hawing, and seemed hesitant to get to the point, leaving me wondering what in the world was going on.

 I was Given Money to Buy a Truck!

This builder was calling to ask me if I needed a truck!  Apparently he and members of his church were pooling their money to buy a truck a woman posted for sale to pay her son’s hospital bill.  They would give the money to someone who needed a truck and MY NAME POPPED INTO HIS HEAD!

 The $4,400 Debt I Forgave was the Price of the Truck!

Could I believe what I was hearing? “Well, as a matter of fact,  I said, “I do need a truck for my new building business.” He responded, “Great!  I’ll arrange to get you a check. She’s asking $4,400 for it, and please do not tell her that we gave you the money.”

And $4,400 was EXACTLY the amount of debt the two people owed me. Do you think perhaps God was trying to teach me a lesson?

Above all, forgive others and bless and release them, so God can replace that negative space in your heart with beautiful, unlimited ABUNDANT WEALTH. The choice is yours.

Your Weekly Course of Action

  • Take a piece of paper and ask God to reveal to you everyone that you need to forgive, and I mean EVERYONE! When I did this, I was shocked to realize that I still held a grudge against a girl in my 5th grade class who didn’t invite me to her birthday party!
  • Write down their names, or if you can’t remember their name, just say, “The girl in my 5th grade class who didn’t invite me to her birthday party.” This may take you a few days to write down every name, so keep the list handy.
  • Once you complete the list, then flush it down the toilet.  As it burns, and as you see it being washed away, say, “Thank You God for showing me the power of forgiveness. I am now free to receive all the many blessings You have for me!”
  • Each night, before going to sleep, close your eyes and ask God to reveal to you anyone you need to forgive, including yourself! We are incredibly hard on ourselves, you know!  If a name comes to you, silently say, “I forgive you, I bless you, and I release you.”
  • Doing this every night helps you release those negative energies you are holding onto so you can start the next day fresh and ready to go!


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