December 4, 2013

Men are trained from a young age to deny their true feelings. Complete this phrase: “Big boys don’t __________.” Read more

November 29, 2013

The thing all women most want to know is, “Does he still love me?”  With men, our actions always speak louder than our words do.  For instance what we do always speaks louder than what we say.  All men know you judge a man by his actions not his words.  Men only spend time doing things they care about, regardless of what they may say.  If we love something (fishing, hunting, fixing up old cars, etc.) we spend time on... Read more

November 27, 2013

When it comes to reaching men, Christmas Eve services are the Super Bowl of the church calendar. Congregations have an opportunity to impact these men if they plan their services accordingly. Read more

November 25, 2013

Every one of us has got some kind of ‘tough mudder’ in our lives. Some sort of goal that seems so unlikely to achieve. Some sort of destination that tests our commitment and determination. Some sort of metaphoric finish line we should be striving to cross. You've got what it takes to go the distance. Read more

November 22, 2013

Even though the institution of marriage is under attack today, research shows that married people are physically and emotionally healthier, and live longer than their single counterparts.  Married men and women both report less depression, anxiety, and lower levels of other types of psychological stress.  Single people have much higher mortality rates (50% higher for women and 250% higher for men) than married people.  Women tend to live longer when married because they have more money and live in better... Read more

November 21, 2013

"Mom, can I download this song?" How do you answer this question? Better yet, how do we teach our kids to make good media decisions with the movies, songs and TV shows they absorb? The key is in one word... Read more

November 20, 2013

Let’s admit it: we’re embarrassed to believe in hell. Speaking of eternal judgment makes us sound like backward, uneducated yokels. It conjures up images of bearded crazies carrying signs in parks. Read more

November 18, 2013

Undoubtedly some sort of big goal lies in front of you. Maybe it’s a dream—something you long to do. Or maybe it’s more of a calling—something you may or may not want to do, yet it still feels like an unmistakable inner tug. You know you should progress. But you don’t know how. And the destination feels far off. Even just starting seems hard. What then? Here are three simple words that will launch you toward your goal. Consider this your call to action. Read more

November 15, 2013

If you are like me you are sick of hearing about this topic.  But that begs the question: is bullying becoming a bigger problem within our culture, or does the media just sensationalize it because it is the topic du jour?  If it is increasing maybe one reason is the constraints that political correctness forces upon young males. Perhaps because our culture has somehow minimized (or even demonized) the majestic qualities of manhood, many of our boys today seem a... Read more

November 14, 2013

Provoking teenagers probably isn’t on your to-do list today, but if you’re a parent of a teen, then you would probably give your left arm for a recipe to provoke meaningful conversations with your son or daughter. Here's a peek at what this actually looks like... Read more

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