Five Minute Friday: Ordinary

Five Minute Friday: Ordinary October 11, 2013

Ordinary Everyday Quotidian 720What could be more boring?

That’s the first thing I think of when I think of “ordinary.” Ho-hum, routine, nondescript, boring, normal (though that’s a bit more reasonable), For me, things that are ordinary lack pizzazz. They lack the excitement that makes things that are out of the ordinary interesting.

I don’t want my life to be ordinary. I want my life to be different, exciting,

But I also don’t want to be some kind of drama queen, for whom even making a pan of scrambled eggs is fraught with peril. Neither do I have any desire to climb Mount Everest (though I wouldn’t mind visiting Antarctica).

I’m sure most people think their lives are ordinary. Mine is.


What’s Five Minute Friday?

A blog-prompt project dreamt up by LisaJo Baker, which you can read about here. The basic idea is that you spend five minutes of writing, generally unedited (I correct typos, WAY too OCD not to do that), on a prompt that she provides just after ten p.m. via a tweet, then spread the word, and link up. Interested? Join up. Enjoy a delightful assortment by clicking on the picture to the right, or here.

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