Five Minute Friday: Write

Five Minute Friday: Write October 4, 2013

Letter writing girlIt sounds like a TV show, but it’s not. “So You Think You Can Write?”

It’s the sound of the voice in my head. The voice that tries to silence me, but and, more  that not, succeeds.

Shut up. Just shut up.

I’m writing now, as fast as I can. I’m writing like my hair is on fire. I’m writing for my life. I’m writing down the bones. I’m writing like it’s a sacred path, like it’s an act of worship, like I can’t stop,

And I don’t want to. It’s something in me, and it’s in you and it’s in everyone. I don’t want to silence it.

You can’t stop me, as much as you try. I’ve let you shut me up, but now it’s your turn, you nasty voice. You editorial nightmare. You bad thing. I’m not the bad thing, you are. You can’t stop me, you won’t stop me, and I’m not letting you stop me. Not any more. I’m going to write. I am writing. I am a writer.

I. Am. A. Writer.

It’s going to happen every day now. It’s going to happen. Every. Single. Day.

And you can’t stop me. No one can stop me. No one.

Especially not me. Because I’m really the only person who can stop my writing. Me. My own worst enemy.

But not any more.


What’s Five Minute Friday?

A blog-prompt project dreamt up by LisaJo Baker, which you can read about here. The basic idea is that you spend five minutes of writing, generally unedited (I correct typos, WAY too OCD not to do that), on a prompt that she provides just after ten p.m. via a tweet, then spread the word, and link up. Interested? Join up. Enjoy a delightful assortment by clicking on the picture to the right.

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