Creating your Dreams in 7 Steps

Creating your Dreams in 7 Steps June 24, 2014


Creating your dreams in 7 steps
Image Copyright: Natalia Ulrikh

92% of resolutions fail within two weeks. It doesn’t make the most sense to plan and prepare for an entire year of your life during the busy-ness of the holidays. It takes time to reflect, digest, and sift the good from last year. It also takes time to clean up and clear out our mental and physical environment. Both of these things are vital to creating a solid foundation that will support and our goals.

Once you’ve done this, it takes more time to get super clear and capture the vision of what we really want for ourselves this year. Here’s what I do to set myself up for real success:

I’ve adopted the Chinese calendar as my measure for the New Year. The Chinese calendar follows the lunar cycle instead of the sun cycle so it always gives us time in January to set the foundation for the next year of our lives. This Chinese New Year begins on January 31st (year of the Horse). Under this system we have 21 days from today to prepare the soils and plant the seeds for a magnificent year.

I created an e-book called the 7 Steps to Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires. In it I offer a detailed discussion of the mechanics of creating your dreams.

These are the same steps I followed to get off welfare, go to law school, build my dream home, and build a business based on my passions.

Later, when my husband suffered a devastating illness that destroyed all that we’d created together, I followed these same steps to reinvent myself and build a new life.

I know they work and I want to share them with you.


Seven Steps to Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires:

1. Clear

Get rid of everything that isn’t going to serve, or support you this year. See Panning for Gold in 2013 to learn how to do this.

2. Dream

Catch the vision of what you want to create by getting quiet and looking inward for your deepest desires. See, feel, and become one with the vision of you living your dream.

3. Commit 

Your commitment is a signal to the universe. You’re saying, “I am here and I am willing to face my fears and step all the way outside of my comfort zone to do my part in this co-creation.”

4. Plan

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll be there soon. You’ve got to have a plan. Begin at the end. Visualize yourself living the life you desire and then trace the steps backward to where you are today.

5. Rituals

No matter how motivated or excited you are about your dreams, in time the intensity of your feelings will change. You’ll lose the white-hot energy and connection that kept you moving forward. Create simple, regular rituals that keep you connected and motivated (journal, affirmations, theme songs, etc.).

6. Action

This is the most under-emphasized element of bringing your dreams to life. You must take consistent action and implement the steps in your plan (step 4) or they’ll remain in the realms of thought, forever. Also, be flexible and accept that the plan will change as it unfolds.

7. Persevere. Let Go.

This final step is a paradox. If you fall 99 times, get up 100. At the same time release your attachment to the outcome. Show up. Do your best. Let the Universe take care of the rest.


~ Cynthia

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