A True Gift

A True Gift December 24, 2014

A True Gift
Image Copyright: Agnes Kantaruk

Wherever you are, whatever you practice, take a moment to appreciate everything that matters to you.

Let nothing be off limits or judged as more or less worthy of appreciation. This is your life and you are a unique individual whose greatness is revealed by self-acceptance.

Today, give thanks for all you’ve done well, all you’ve learned, for each person who has loved you, and for each person who, by withholding love, has taught you to love yourself.

Be grateful because you woke up today and because you are never alone.

Remind yourself that, in every situation, you’ve done the best you could with what you knew. Replace regret with gratitude for the lesson learned.

Resolve to apply the wisdom you’ve gained and forgive yourself (and everyone else) for all disappointments.

We cannot create anything positive by dwelling on the negativity of yesterday.

Release yourself and go free.

Give yourself the gift of newness. Let go and begin again.

Merry Christmas.

~ Cynthia

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