Between Two Worlds: New Moon, New Crossroads, New Journey with Hekate

Between Two Worlds: New Moon, New Crossroads, New Journey with Hekate May 21, 2018

In my last article, I wrote about my upcoming Gender Reassignment Surgery on the next New Moon. I just knew that Hekate would be involved in the entire process, including being with me during the surgery.  I felt that the outcome would be what was needed for me.

Source, CC0.

The New Moon was in Taurus at 6:48 am CDT on May 15th. Uranus was changing from Aries into a sensual, earthy Taurus the same day as well. I actually observed the Dark Moon the evening before my surgery with a early Deipnon Ritual. The Athenian Greeks honored Hekate during the Deipnon. In Greek, deipnon means the evening meal, usually the largest meal of the day. Hekate’s Deipnon is, at its most basic, a meal served to Hekate and the restless dead once a lunar month[30] during the new moon.

And I wasn’t disappointed. On May 15th, the first day of the New Moon, I arrived, with my sister, at 5:30 am to get prepped for the surgery. It was finally here, what I had waited my entire life for. The surgeon came in when I was getting ready, asked me if I had any questions, or wanted to change my mind. No, I was not changing my mind.

At 7:30 am I was wheeled into the operating room, anesthesia was administered, and the procedure to change from male to female began. As I was going down that hallway, I felt Hekate’s presence watching over me. I was so grateful for Her being with me. I felt totally calm and secure as the doors to the operating room opened.

New Beginnings by Rachel Adams, CC 2.0.

About 3 1/2 hours later, I was taken to the surgery center recovery room. When the anesthesia was slowing working its way out of my system, a nurse asked how I felt. I smiled a nice wide grin. I was very happy.

Later, after a while, my surgeon came in to examine the results. She was very pleased with what she and her team had done, and said it looked good. I couldn’t view the results, but if everybody else was happy, then I knew I would be as well.

Next step was going to a private room. The nursing staff was wonderful and very caring. They asked how my pain was, since my anesthesia had mostly worn off. On the hospital scale of zero (meaning no pain) to 10 (meaning severe unbearable pain) I was at about 2. I was put on 650 mg of Tylenol every four hours. Five days later, I’m still on that dose. I feel that Hekate doesn’t want me on any narcotics. And I’m healing fine.

I met with my surgeon this morning, six days almost to the hour, when I had my surgery. She was very impressed with the healing, and was able to take out the drain tube. The sensitivity is really good, which is wonderful. I still will have to stay on the Tylenol for a bit, but other than that I’ve been cleared to go back on all my normal medications, including the Estrogen.

Source, CC0.

I know that the healing is going well because of Hekate’s involvement. It also has helped that many people in my chosen, Pagan family, sent lots of Healing Blessings, Reiki, lighting candles for me, Love and support. I am so Blessed to have Her, and my Pagan family in my life. Blessed Be!!!  )0(

So until next time, with Her, I’ll see you…in the future! 

Mighty Hekate, Queen of the Witches,

 Blessed am I,

To call myself one of Your chosen.  

  (Above used with permission from Cyndi Brannen..with many thanks and love)

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