Spooky in the South: Living As a College Pagan

Spooky in the South: Living As a College Pagan May 14, 2018

Being Pagan is not always about having elaborate rituals and a fancy altar, sometimes it is just about worshipping the Gods through subtle daily acts of spirituality. Being a college student can present its own challenges when it comes to worshipping; living on campus means being cramped on space and going to college in the South means that many universities may not be accustomed to accommodating those in minority faiths. However, with a little help, being Pagan while living on campus at college can be a little easier.

Image by HNewberry via Pixabay. Public Domain Image.

Small altars are the ideal place to start, I myself use a corner bookshelf in my dormitory bedroom. The top two shelves are for books and knick-knacks, and the third shelf houses my altar; because I am short on space, my altar is comprised of two medium sized God and Goddess idols, four items to represent the four directions (North, South, East, and West), two small candles, and an altar cloth. When you are short on space, it is important to make sure your altar has everything it needs without being too “busy”. This manages to fit on a 1.5-foot x1.5-foot space and still allows for a workspace while worshipping.

Another useful idea for making your small living space more Pagan is small flowerpots and planters, succulents can be ideal because they are easier to keep alive and do not require as strict of environments as other plants. Succulents are easily available at local home improvement stores and usually are in the lower price range, if you can buy a bowl-shaped planter you will be able to plant several succulents in one planter and have a gorgeous arrangement. Single planters can make a good fit for windowsills and easily brighten up a plain dorm room.

Tending to a small garden is a great way to get in touch with nature and make you feel more connected to the Earth, even if it is just in your dorm. I like to leave my favorite crystals and amulets in my flowerpots to bring good luck and life to my plants. If you like to cook and have the kitchen space, growing a small herb garden can allow you to bring your “witchy” into the kitchen and your cooking.

Nature and Pagan-themed artwork and wall décor are another way of getting in touch with your Pagan roots and bringing Mother Nature into your home. Having wall décor will beautify your room but will not take up any valuable floor space; wall plaques of the Gods and Goddesses are also useful if you do not have room for standing deity idols. On my dorm room door, I hang a pretty wreath decorated to fit the season and holidays with a little bell chime shaped like the triple-moon simple with a pentagram in the middle.

Green Flower Potted Plant Plant Pot via MaxPixel. Public Domain Image.

Most public colleges and universities are required to accommodate students of all religious backgrounds, so do not be afraid to stand for your legal rights to religious freedom at your university. If you need to be off for a set time to observe a holiday, make sure you notify professors at the start of the semester to be able to makeup missed classwork. If your university offers worship space for other religions, then they must provide all religions and/or spiritualities with a worship space. You can request to speak with a program director or administrator who heads all religious organizations and activities on campus to discuss the way to go about best accommodating your religion.

Expressing your Pagan faith should not be limited to having large open altar spaces, a huge herb garden, or a large amount of money. With the right organisation and planning, all Pagan students can celebrate and worship their gods how they choose. It just takes a little craftiness and imagination to make yourself feel more at home in your dorm and make the space more spiritually welcoming. Never be afraid to be who you are.

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