
Treasures July 20, 2012

Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Whenever I conduct a séance or a gallery reading, I honestly never know what to expect, so I expect the unexpected and it seems that our loved ones on the Other Side like that best anyhow. Last week’s séance was no different. As three participants sat down at the tipping table, I closed my eyes and called on their loved ones to come forward to give me messages to pass along. One lovely lady in spirit stood next to the participant to my right, Karen. She smiled at me and then asked me to inquire where the tea cups were.

“Karen, do you have your grandmother or great-grandmother’s tea cups or china?”

“Uhhh..I think I do.”

“Buried? In a closet, put away?”

“Probably,” she replied giving me a strange look.

“I am supposed to tell you that they were her treasures, and they should be yours too. Take them out and use them, don’t store them away.”

Make my treasures, your treasures.

Karen dug out the china that weekend and made what I can only imagine was a delicious meal of grilled pork tenderloin, boiled fingerling potatoes with garlic and steamed broccoli and served them on the vintage pink flowered Syracuse Federal China. And as she stated, can you imagine all of the celebrations those dishes had witnessed? But why wait for a celebration?

In light of the Colorado tragedy, I think that it speaks all too close to the heart that you never know when your last day will be, or the last day of your loved one. Who knew that going to a movie would change so many people’s lives? It is so often that we bury our treasures, whether they are the words of love, or treasure’s like Karen’s dishes. We get so hung up on housework, complaining about weather, yelling at our about kids, spouses, bosses, coworkers, etc that what really matters are the last thing that we do or we say. But maybe it is time to get our priorities in order. The priorities, or the treasures, that truly matter.

At 2:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on July 20th, I woke up, screaming. I saw mass chaos, hundreds of people running and blood everywhere. As I ran outside in my vision, I saw mountains. My screams woke my husband, who comforted me back to sleep. At 4:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on July 20th, I again woke up sobbing and again Chuck held me and told me it was okay. I got up, splashed some water on my face, posted to Facebook that I was having nightmares and went back to sleep until my alarm finally went off at 6:15 a.m. As I typically do, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand (an awful habit) and read the headlines only to see the tragedy that happened. To be honest, I ran to the bathroom and got sick. And then asked why I saw what I saw if I couldn’t do anything about it. Why me? And it was then I heard my Guides say to me, It wasn’t for you to stop it, it was shown to you to help those souls, and to share your gift with others. It is your treasure.

So even though your life may feel cursed, or difficult, or just plain dull, look at the treasures that you bring to others and unbury them. And then give your loved ones a big hug, a kiss and a I love you and remind them that they are YOUR treasure. And don’t be afraid to eat hotdogs on your best dishes.

May the white light of love and higher energy surround each of us as we go through our day. May it keep us safe from harm and may it surround and heal all who are hurting.



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