It’s a Love Thing

It’s a Love Thing January 12, 2014

“I am so tired of being single. Will I ever find anybody?”

“Sure,” I smiled at the pretty brunette with large brown eyes. “But do you just want anybody? Haven’t you already been there, done that?”

Amie looked at me perplexed, but took a moment to think before responding. “So how do I go about getting the right one and not the wrong one again?”


Aimee nodded.

Love Yourself First and Always

  • When you wake up in the morning, give yourself three loving compliments.
  • Before you go to sleep, think of at least three good things that happened to you that day.
  • When you brush your teeth in the morning, look into your eyes and say, “I love you,” and mean it.
  • During the day, pay attention to any subtle energy shifts, and ask your heart for guidance when anything is off balance.
  • Be cautious of allowing the day’s energy to set you off balance.


Every three hours think of at least one thing that makes you laugh. Laughter lifts your vibration and helps to attract higher energy people.

Speak Up

If you see someone that you would like to get to know, tell them. No more games. And if you are rejected, instead of allowing it to get you down instead think of it as you being protected against a mutually unaligned relationship.

Make a List

Create a list of 100 things that you want in a partner starting with LEGALLY SINGLE. You can add physical attributes if you would like, but keep it more about the type of person that you want to spend your time with.

Create a Vision but be REALISTIC

No, you don’t have to sacrifice what you want, but that list above that you created might have to be revised every so often. Not because you deserve or should get less than, but just because you might be picturing Brad Pitt instead of that cute guy in your office who has been eyeing you and you are so caught up in that you haven’t seen a Brad Pitt look-a-like. Also, the Nicholas Spark type of relationships that you see in the movies and on television are created by a fiction writer. Sure, you deserve romance, however be realistic about it for both parties. A great book, and a great site is The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Well worth the read whether single or in a relationship.

Feel It

Now that you have your list and a visual, feel it. The more that you feel lonely, the more that you will attract the same. So feel loved and you will be loved and you will attract the love.

Make Time and Get Out

Yes, he or she will more than likely NOT knock on your door and announce their arrival. Get out and do things. If you want your next mate to love animals, volunteer with animals. If you want your next mate to love the theatre, sign up for community theatre. The possibilities are endless!

Give it Over to the Other Side

It is amazing how much the Other Side wants to play Cupid. So place your order, see the vision, feel it and then ask Grandma, Dad, Best Friend, etc who is on the Other Side to assist. And they want the credit too. There will be no question as to whether that person was sent by the Other Side as the coincidences will have to be denied pure coincidences.

“Ugh, this sounds like a lot of work,” Aimee groaned. “You don’t have a spell or anything? Or maybe you can give me his name and address?”

I laughed and shook my head no. “Once you attract Mr. Right, it doesn’t end there. So just enjoy the process. Enjoy the people you will meet. Enjoy the stories you will have.”

A year later Aimee showed up at my office for her follow up appointment with her fiancé. She had always wanted to learn how to ski so she took my advice and took some lessons. Low and behold, Trent was learning how to ski too. Last month they welcomed their first child, a baby girl into their lives. I couldn’t be more happy for them.

So whether you are currently in a relationship or feeling hopeless as you peruse dating site after dating site on a Saturday feeling more and more depressed…maybe it is time to start loving the most important person in your life – YOU. Do daily affirmations.  Do some soulwork, which could consist of forgiving those that hurt you in the past or releasing that past resentment that still binds your heart.  Write a letter to your angels.  Pray.  Feel loved.  Take action in order to get the stream of love back to flowing.

Sending you love!

Kristy Robinett

Kristy Robinett (Livonia, MI) is a professional psychic medium. In addition to giving readings and teaching workshops, she uses her psychic skills to assist with police investigations. Kristy lectures across the country and has appeared on Fox NewsABC News, Ricki Lake and Coast to Coast. She is also the author of Messenger Between Worlds: True Stories from a Psychic MediumHigher Intuitions OracleGhosts of Southeast Michigan and Michigan’s Haunted Legends and Lore. Visit her online at

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