7 Things Never to Say to a Psychic

7 Things Never to Say to a Psychic October 26, 2014

Halloween – tis tcommonsensehe season for psychics, tarot readers and mediums. It’s my year-round business, but most people think of the fortune telling, crystal ball kinds most when the leaves change and begin to fall. My Octobers changed completely when I came out of the psychic medium closet almost ten years ago. It used to be my favorite month, and in a way it still is, but I don’t get to see too much of it as you have to take advantage of the business when the business comes. I thought I would give you a glimpse into my October (although most of this is relevant year long, it comes out more this time of year).   What NOT to say to a psychic, medium or tarot reader:

  1. Hey, you know what would be fun? Why don’t you come to my {Halloween} party? Are you inviting me because you want me there or because you want me to do readings for free?
  2. I’m not sure I believe in what you do, but if you want to give me a reading and I’ll tell you if you are right. No, I’m good, thanks. I have nothing to prove to anyone and I don’t do this as a carnival trick. I love that you are skeptical and I don’t have any issue with you not believing, but do you realize that you just insulted me? Probably not, but thanks, I’m good.
  3. I had an awesome reading years ago. Are you as good as he/she is/was?  We all have our own gifts, personality and abilities. If you loved them, why aren’t you going back to them??? I also won’t compare, even if it is someone I know. Just like someone may love their hairstylist, another may not like that hairstylist. It’s a personal choice.
  4. If you’re so good, why don’t you have a television show? If I had a television show, I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing right now with you, right? And when did having a television show equate to becoming accomplished in your field?
  5. I’m not going to tell you anything. I want you to guess. I’m not a magician and I do not guess. I talk to your guides and your loved ones who give me information.Guessing isn’t in the equation.
  6. Who is around me right now? Godzilla! Please! That is like asking a doctor to examine your suspicious mole for the fun of it.
  7. I can’t believe you charge money! Unfortunately my mortgage, electric, phone (that I am probably talking to you on right now), cable (or emailing you from), car, etc. has to be paid. Try that same question on a plumber, lawyer, electrician, etc

Many times the questions or statements are innocent enough, but being challenged continuously becomes exhausting.  We are in an instant gratification generation and sometimes forget that there is a person in back of that text, email, message and phone call. This isn’t to say to not ask questions just to remember whether it’s an acquisition of a medium, a massage therapist, doctor or an electrician to use your manners, common sense, and class.


Kristy Robinett


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