December Oracle

December Oracle December 3, 2015

We all have intuition. Every single one of us. It doesn’t mean that you have to hang up a flashy ‘Psychic’ sign on your office door, but you can if you want. Intuition comes from within us, around us and from past experiences. It is supposed to teach us what to do and where to go and who to trust even if you don’t have the complete road map in front of you. It is that turn-by-turn direction that we all have, but we doubt and create false scenarios in our head, especially if there is a lot of grey around us. It makes it easier to point fingers at others than to own the burden of responsibility. And yet when we get burned, we punish ourselves because we knew. When a knowing can’t be explained, we instead attempt to rationalize it. Below are 5 cards from Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle. The back’s are all the same, but by using your intuition, choose one of the cards that calls most to you. Take a deep breathe in and out. Don’t second guess yourself.




Your cards are…






#1 – Infinite Abundance – “A new flow of support is coming to you right now. Ask the angels to help you release fears about scarcity so that you can enjoy this increased abundance.” This card provides the reassurance that as you focus upon being of service and following your inner guidance, your needs are taken care of. The more you can let go of worry and trust in the Universe’s infinite abundance, the faster your flow of abundance comes to you. Always remember that prayer and positive feelings improve situations, while worry worsens everything. You can give any concerns over to God and the angels for healing. 

The abundance comes to you in unexpected ways, so you needn’t waste time or energy trying to guess how your needs will be met. Instead , devote your thoughts and actions to follow the voice within you. This is your career partner and manager, as it is the voice of your answered prayer. All prayers are heard and answered; listen especially to the response that comes to you in the form of intuition. 

#2 – Let Go: The hurt is so much for you. By letting go of what isn’t working in your life brings a whole new set of possibilities into your life. Before the New Year, it is time for you to assess and take action. Letting go also doesn’t mean that you lose love or you lose memories, it means that you remove the thorn that you keep picking at and allow the healing to take place.

You have been struggling with a situation, unsure which direction to take. The struggle is causing an energy blockage that is slowing your desired outcome. This card counsels you to let go as a way of bringing about a peaceful resolution. First you must let go emotionally. After all, you are overwhelmed by indecision and the stress of the situation. Wouldn’t it feel good to detach and be at peace? Especially if you are reassured that by doing so, you will bring about a more favorable outcome?

Ask the angels for help in detaching by saying” Guardian angels and archangels, thank you for helping me enjoy a tranquil mind and body. I now choose to let go and detach from this situation. I know that God’s infinite wisdom is completely in charge of it and everyone involved. I trust that everything is being worked out for my highest and best good. And so it is! 

#3 – Strength – Everything you’ve experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous.  You are stronger that you realize, according to this card. Your career dreams require inner resolve and courage and you have built those qualities from your life lessons. Everything you have ever experienced ahs brought you to this moment and you are more prepared than ever to start a project and persevere to complete it. 

It is human nature to shy away from projects that are perceived to be difficult or that bring up fears of failure. Nonetheless, these projects are calling your name. Whether you are guided to write that book, change careers, return to school, start your own business or present your artwork to the public, you have the strength to do so. 

Which path do you think will lead you to greater joy: taking steps in the direction of your dream even if you are unsure whether the dream is viable or whether you are taking the right steps to achieve it)… or endlessly procrastinating/ Which path will ultimately be more painful to experience: risking defeat or humiliation by taking action…or playing it safe? 

#4 – Counseling – You heal with kind words, wise advice, and an empathetic ear. People frequently reveal their deepest secrets and worries to you because you’re a natural counselor who channels wise advice and kind support. You are everybody’s counselor and you are good at it! But sometimes you need counseling too. And sometimes you need to take a break from helping everybody else. Don’t feel guilty about this. After all, how are you going to be good for anybody, including yourself, if you can’t following your own advice of self.


#5 – Heart’s Desire – The angels are supporting, guiding and protecting you as your dreams become a reality. ”What does your heart desire?” This is the question that the angels ask of you. You are at an important juncture in your life when it is time to make decisions about what you want. No one—not even God and the angles—can make them for you. Spend time alone in quiet contemplation and consider your heart’s desires as many options are open to you now. 

The great news is that once you have clearly pinpointed your deepest desires and know that you deserve them, the doors of opportunity all easily open for you. You will dance in partnership with your intuition: first listening to the inner voice and next taking action upon that guidance. Although your path may involve some work and tenacity, it will be smooth and peaceful. 

You like everyone deserve to be happy. You need to take care of you and be good to you too.  You may want to think of creating a vision board to look again hard at what you really want. 


Kristy Robinett

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