September Magic

September Magic August 29, 2017

Below are 6 cards from Steven Farmer’s EARTH MAGIC Oracle Deck. The backs are all the same, but by using your intuition choose one of the cards that calls out most to you. This is what you will need to work on during the new month.

Take a deep breath in and out. Don’t second guess yourself – just choose. By trusting your own intuition, taking the advice, and following through on the actions you will be amazed by your life outcome – more fulfillment in all areas. Sure, it isn’t easy, but well worth it in the end. Aren’t you worth that? Aren’t you worth beginning a new month embracing you and your knowing?

Which card do you choose? <Feel free to share with your friends>

No peeking….

Did you choose?

Your card meanings are here:

1earthmagicCard #1 – GAIA – NURTURING   You are a powerful light worker. You may be wondering what your life purpose is, and dear one you are here to help heal the Earth. You may have noticed that you pick up on other’s energies and sometimes you get overwhelmed and tire easily. It is important to know that you have to nurture yourself as well. Consider the actions you take that are self-nurturing. What comes to your mind when you really think about doing beneficial things for yourself? Set aside your ritualized habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart, and soul to be nurtured. Lie on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care.

You may want to look into studying aromatherapy, energy healing, psychology, environmental science or the medical field. It doesn’t necessarily have to be formal training.

passion3Card #2 – Fire – Passion – Since the dawn of humankind, we have been fascinated by fire. As soon as early humans were able to make fire, it changed our lifestyle dramatically. Through its capacity to generate heat and light, fire made it possible to cook food, stay warm in cooler climates, and keep predators away at night. And of course, that huge furnace called the sun is the spark of Life here on Earth, bringing not only the necessary warmth of this incredibly huge ball of fire, but also the life-giving fays of light emitted by that fire.

In this card, a man is enacting an ancient ceremonial fire dance originating from Samoa, at one time performed to ignite the passion  of warriors before battle. Fire can inspire other passions as well. We speak of being “on fire” or “catching fire,” phrases signifying that we possess an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. No wonder that passion has come to be associated with fire.

What are your passions? What turns you on? What ignites that inner flame, that creative spark? When you feel devoid of passion, consider what is missing in your life. It is most likely an absence of “fire in your belly,” something that makes your heart beat faster and quickens your breathing. Passion is not something that comes from outside of you, although some events and circumstances can trigger it. It is an intensity of feeling, whether quietly experienced or enthusiastically expressed.

Passion can simply be a strong feeling, or the sensation itself can be so powerful that it motivates you to act. This is too often associated exclusively with sexuality, which is certainly one way of experiencing it, yet it limits its meaning and demeans the broader possibilities. Open yourself to the truth of what you are passionate about, and find a means to express it.

3lakeCard #3 –  Lake – Stillness – It is in the deep, internal stillness that we find our Being and come to know that we are intimately united with all of Creation. To achieve this mindset, we must slow down once in a while and get away from the surroundings that interfere and distract our inner tranquility. When we do so, this profound stillness is available at all times, regardless of the environment. We can experience this sensation with steady, conscious breathing; or we can simply pause for a few moments and be still.

The tempo of life these days has sped up considerable, and there seems to be no end to this quickening pace. Immersed as we are in the technological whirlpool, there seems no escape. However, there is no need to be a prisoner to the “hurry up” syndrome, nor is there a need to feel trapped by the awareness of the collective intensities that massive numbers of humans are experiencing these days.

No matter if the noise is from your environment or your seemingly nonstop thinking, it is critical for you to seek stillness. Find it in your world, whether it is a special place in your home or a place in Nature that is far from human made noise. Of particular importance is finding it inside yourself, which can be made easier by being in a quiet place in a natural setting. Doing so not only relaxes your mind, but also heightens your awareness and senses.

mountain2Card #4 – Mountain ~ Strength – The massiveness of the mountain in this image – bearing the  blankets of snow as spectacular hues from the sun reflect from its body – evokes a sense of impenetrable and immovable strength and stature. A mountain’s quiet, resolute immensity leaves us in awe and inspires us to reach for greater heights. Yet, it can also pose challenges.

The firm base of the mountain evolves to the narrower crest in its attempt to reach the sky. More daring individuals become enamored by the peak and see it as something to conquer, although it can never be truly conquered. When the mountain feels threatened in some way or simply shrugs its shoulders, the strength exhibited can wreak havoc for all beings caught on its skin.

It makes no sense to deny the strength you have at the cost of allowing yourself to be reactive and subject to external influences far beyond what is healthy for you. Imagine yourself as a mountain of strength, solidly grounded in the Earth, your head held high as if you were touching the sky. Do so without straining, just as the mountain itself does not strain.

The current situation calls for you to be vigilant, but not to the point of fear or paranoia. Be that rock of strength that you are capable for becoming. The solidness of our resolve will be clearly communicated when you model yourself after the towering immensity of a mountain, impenetrable and inscrutable. Standing steady like a rock is what is called for at this time.

vulnerCard #5 – Meadow – Vulnerability  – The meadow in this card invites us in with its beauty and openness. The flowers have arranged themselves in a poetic design orchestrated by Nature, and the lush rolling fields urge us to relax and stay for a while. Yet for some, the idea of being in such an open space is terrifying; and in an expansive meadow like this, we may feel exposed and defenseless; lacking the perceived safety of an enclosed area.

For others, walking through a meadow can be an exquisitely satisfying experience. We can feel comfortable in the openness and visibility, enjoying the 360 degree view with nothing but the sky above. Yes, we may still feel vulnerable, but with a twist. This is vulnerability built on the foundation of trust rather than fear – the capacity to trust our own instincts to tell us if there are any potential threats we must respond to. By relying on this instinctual knowing, we can relax and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

You are in a place now where you can take risks with your feelings, and even more important, take risks with the truth of who you are – the truth you know in your heart and soul. You no longer need to be subjected to your conditional fears of letting others know who you really are.

Yes, others may judge, evaluate, criticize, and perhaps even put you down. These are very real possibilities. Yet by trusting that you have the strength to deal with these reactions – rather than responding adaptively and always playing it safe – you can more confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from expressing your truth can create an illusion of safety, but armed with your trust and your faith, you can choose to be vulnerable and share your authentic self with the world.

dawnCard #6 – Dawn – New Beginnings – The start of the day brings with it reassurance that the night has passed, making way for new opportunities, no matter what has come before. It reminds us of the predictability of the daily cycles. That first light that forecasts the sun’s appearance awakens the winged ones, who sing and chirp happily at the advent of another morning. It is a time of fresh beginnings from which we can create whatever kind of experience we desire.

In this image, we see the rays of the sun stretching into the valley while the sun itself peeks around the corner, as if it had set its course to proceeded around the bend in the river, which appears relatively still from its rest during the night. This scene exemplifies renewal and new beginnings.

When you witness the initial stages of dawn without the benefit of a clock or other timepiece, for a while you may not be able to discern whether the sky is really lightening. The stars remain visible, and shadows of the night still shape the landscape. It is that way with any beginning; it is difficult to tell where the old ends and the new begins. Gradually, however, it becomes clear to your senses that the light is definitely increasing; and as you continue to observe, the world slowly wakes up, accompanied by all the sounds, smells and freshness associated with it. Soon, the first glimmer of the sun shows. A new day has begun.

This is a time to say farewell to the old and honor the new by releasing any self-imposed constraints or resistance to the truth that you know. This is your chance to develop that project you have been thinking about, embark on that adventure you have dreamed of going on, and take risks in initiating what you intuitive self has been telling you to do.

As this prospect becomes increasingly visible and real, doubts and uncertainties may arise. But rest assured – just as dawn inevitably turns into day, by heeding your inner guidance, you will succeed.

If you like this deck visit here to purchase.

Kristy Robinett

Messages from a Wonderful Afterlife is NOW available.
Messages from a Wonderful Afterlife is NOW available HERE

I have used my unique gift of psychic mediumship since childhood. Whether it is to connect those that have lost loved ones or to assist in getting your life back on track, I’m here to help with direction, in nothing but a positive light. My ability to use several of my gifts helps me give variance to my clients. Becoming comfortable with my gift has taken an awful long time and still when I speak with someone who doesn’t know “what” I am, I begin – “Now, I am perfectly sane, but….I see ghosts….” I am not different than you. Everybody has the ability to “see”, you just have to open yourself to it.

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