Strawberry Moon

Strawberry Moon June 27, 2018

Full Moon: June 28, 12:53 A.M Eastern  – Astrological Energy: Capricorn

The Strawberry Moon helps to make a personal shift, bringing closure to the areas of your life you’ve been struggling with. This energy is all about shedding the old worries and insecurities and allowing yourself to be the butterfly and fly. That strength has to come from within, and not an outside source. This awakening started at the first of the year and now you should start to see the transformation. You are braver than you believe and stronger than you think.

Frustration and impatience, two typical reactions to Full Moons, are both negative attributes, which throw more negative your way.  Turn off your negative mental chat that is sabotaging the life that you so deserve.  How do you do that?  The first thing is by acknowledging that you are doing it and when a negative thought arises, tell yourself  ‘STOP!‘ and replace the negative thought with a positive one.  Or simply take some deep breathes.  We can’t always have a head full of sunshine, but little by little you will notice that your negative thoughts will start to dissipate.  Think of it as mental scum and you are erasing it away with your happy thoughts.  By simply turning down the volume of negative chatter, the things you have been wanting in your life will begin to show up – whatever you are dreaming of.  Always remember that what you focus on expands and if it is negative, then that is what you will get.

I believe in you,

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