July 14, 2015

Take some deep breathes and ask your angels and guides what message you need to know to help you along your path, and choose a number. Below is the meaning of your chosen card.  We all have intuition. Every single one of us. It doesn’t mean that you have to hang up a flashy ‘Psychic’ sign on your office door, but you can if you want. Intuition comes from within us, around us and from past experiences. It is supposed to teach us... Read more

July 10, 2015

“I just can’t be alone,” Rachel cried. “It’s been over fifteen years since I’ve even dated and well,” she sniffled, “I still love him.” Rachel’s husband of over ten years had informed her over dinner, while the kids were at their friend’s house, that he wanted a divorce. He gave no explanation, simply got up from the dining room table, put his dish in the sink, packed a suitcase and left. She was baffled. “He’s a great dad. He’s never missed... Read more

July 8, 2015

We are each born with our own individual vibration which sends signals out to others of like vibrations. Those signals either attract or dismiss situations, events and even people. As we go through life experience, both good and bad, we sometimes become out of sync with our unique signal, such as a radio between stations. The signal is strong when we move into a harmonic place, but once we allow fears or negativity to invade, the signal is reduced and... Read more

July 7, 2015

One of the most common questions that I get when I do a television or radio interviews is, why hasn’t any psychics won the lottery? I typically reply back with a ‘yet’.  Just because you are psychic or have the gift of communicating with the Other Side doesn’t mean that you are all knowing. I’m not sure the all-knowing part would be a gift anyhow. I can, however, explain why I haven’t won the lottery. I don’t believe I will.... Read more

July 6, 2015

Take some deep breathes and ask your angels and guides what message you need to know to help you along your path, and choose a number. Below is the meaning of your chosen card.  We all have intuition. Every single one of us. It doesn’t mean that you have to hang up a flashy ‘Psychic’ sign on your office door, but you can if you want. Intuition comes from within us, around us and from past experiences. It is supposed to... Read more

July 6, 2015

I often put positive quotes on social media that inspire me, hoping it will inspire others as well. Some might be more relevant to some, and less to others. For the most part I receive a positive response, but at least once a month I get a private message that explains why I’m wrong to have posted it followed by – “easier said than done.” It’s something I hear a lot of people spout when they feel frustrated, and it’s often... Read more

June 5, 2015

“Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday. Holding a grudge & harboring anger/resentment is poison to the soul. Get even with people…but not those who have hurt us,  forget them, instead get even with those who have helped us.”  Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free Words can hurt, but it is hanging on to the words and painful moments that cause deep scars. Replaying it over and over, simple words, like a poltergeist haunting,... Read more

June 3, 2015

Which Crystal are you most drawn to?   Crystal #1 – Lapis Lazuli (Raw) – If you chose the first stone, you’re intuition has been heightened and you are being called to trust your psychic nudges.  Lapis lazuli is the stone of friendship and truth and encourages harmony in relationships. If you chose this stone, you may be concerned with a friendship or relationship issue, and the authenticity. You typically don’t like to stir the pot, but as of late... Read more

June 1, 2015

Happy June and Happy Full Moon! Tomorrow, June 2nd at 12:19 PM ESDT is the official time of the moon, but you will more than likely be feeling it today and for the next few days. A Sagittarius Full Moon tackles the truths and perceived truths in our lives, uncovering and releasing. Full Moons tend to make many feel emotional and sometimes weepy, and the June Full Moon, called the Rose Moon or Strawberry Moon, can make you feel as... Read more

May 22, 2015

Last month I went through a detox with Renee Heigel​’s program – Love Yourself Naked. Unfortunately I ended up having some health issues and couldn’t finish the food part of it, but I was proud of the changes that I made and didn’t beat myself up with what I couldn’t do. I was reminded through the program that detox wasn’t just food, but if you were going to detox, it involved everything in one’s daily life – detoxing yourself from people... Read more

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