February 12, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Catholic reverts Tom and Elli Zurowski. Tom has worked for decades in the international missionary field serving in some of the most dangerous places in the world and is a former church-planting pastor as well. Together, Elli and Tom share with me their incredible journey as cradle Catholics who left the Church, journeyed for decades in Protestant Christianity, before an incredible rediscovery of the ancient Catholic faith–in the midst of... Read more

February 8, 2020

It was a Sunday morning in Ordinary Time. I learned, a little while ago, that the there’s nothing ordinary about what the Catholic Church calls “Ordinary Time.” Technically, ordinary comes from “ordinal” which simply describes a sequence of things—like counting. In other words, what the Church calls Ordinary Time, the lengths of Sundays in between the high liturgical seasons like Easter and Christmas, is simply counted time. Nothing necessarily ordinary about it. And on this particular Sunday that was certainly the case. These days, our... Read more

February 5, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Bishop Thomas Dowd of the Archdiocese of Montreal to discuss the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. Bishop Dowd made headlines when he helped to bring one particular priest offender to justice even accompanying one of the victims to the police station to submit his report. Bishop Dowd is a fantastic, graceful, and hopeful voice of leadership in the Church and our conversation is an incredible one. What a blessing... Read more

February 1, 2020

Theologian, philosopher, and evangelical convert to Catholicism Dr. Douglas Beaumont is one of the most insightful apologists working in the field today. As a writer and podcaster I read a lot, listen to a lot of lectures and talks, and speak to a lot of interesting people but, when speaking with Doug, I always come away with one or another sweeping new insights into how I understand my Catholic faith. Maybe because Dr. Beaumont talks about Catholicism like an evangelical;... Read more

January 29, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by apologist, speaker, and author Dr. Douglas Beaumont to discuss the topic of infant baptism. Why do Catholics baptize infants? Why do some Protestant denominations object to this practice? What is the biblical basis and what about tradition? In his trademark straight forward approach Dr. Beaumont walks us through what Catholics believe baptism does, how this is often misunderstood by non-Catholic Christians, and how the Bible doesn’t give us clear... Read more

January 22, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast I’m joined by Paul McCusker, Catholic convert and the creative genius behind the popular Adventures in Odyssey and many of the other popular radio dramas in the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre series. In this second part of our two-part interview, Paul and I chat about his experiences since becoming Catholic. We talk about the conversion process, parish life, the differences between Catholicism and our Protestant upbringings, and the challenge of... Read more

January 20, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast I’m joined by Paul McCusker, Catholic convert and the creative genius behind the popular Adventures in Odyssey and many of the other popular radio dramas in the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre series. In this first part of our two-part interview, Paul sits down to talk to me about his faith upbringing, his experiences with creativity in the evangelical church, and questions (and answers!) ultimately led him into the Catholic Church.... Read more

January 8, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast I’m joined by Dr. Elizabeth Klein, assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute to talk about the Catholic understanding of God. In this highly informative episode we dig into how to “prove” God’s existence, how best to understand who God is based on the Old Testament, the two natures of Christ, and much more. It’s a fantastic episode and I absolutely guarantee you’ll learn something new about how we can better... Read more

January 1, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast I’m joined by Keith Nester, a former Evangelical pastor and Catholic convert, and Dr. Derya Little, a former Muslim and atheist convert to Catholicism to discuss Mary. On this special panel show, we discuss what each of us thought about Mary before becoming Catholic, what changed our minds, and how our relationship with the person Catholics call, “Our Blessed Mother,” has changed our relationship with Jesus, her son, and the faith lives... Read more

December 23, 2019

In this special episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast I’m not joined by anyone at all. Instead, I sit down behind the microphone to discuss some of the tough questions which led me, as an Evangelical Christian, to my ultimate conversion to Catholicism. This episode is a bit of an experiment. I never intended this show to be me, sitting behind a microphone, talking to myself which is why I’ve always packed things full with fantastic guests. But some of... Read more

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