The Allergic Pagan: My search for the sensible transcendental
Being the Allergic Pagan is about living with contradictions. Like being “mainstream” and being Pagan. Like being a religious iconoclast, but a social conformist. Like being a man who worships a Goddess. Like being an atheist who honors the gods. Like being a Pagan married to a Mormon and raising an atheist child. Like being politically liberal and working as a lawyer for big business. And like having seasonal allergies but loving wild nature.
My seasonal allergies mean that at those times of the year I most want to worship surrounded by nature, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to do so. This irony is a metaphor for an essential conflict at the core of my psyche, between the desire for communion with nature on the one hand and the desire to transcend nature on the other. It also reveals one of the many practical difficulties of practicing Paganism when I get out of my armchair. This blog is where I expose the “warts and all” of my private Pagan practice: my successes, my failures, and all the rest (most of it really) which falls somewhere in between.
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John Halstead is Editor-At-Large and a contributor at He blogs about Paganism generally at (which is hosted by Patheos) and about Jungian Neo-Paganism at “Dreaming the Myth Onward” (which is hosted by Witches & Pagans). He is also an occasional contributor to and The Huffington Post and the administrator of the site John was the principal facilitator of “A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment,” which can be found at He is a Shaper of the fledgling Earthseed community, which is described at John is also the editor of the anthology, Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans.
To speak with John, contact him on Facebook.