General Pagan Resoources
- What is contemporary Paganism?
- An Introduction to Modern Paganism
- What is Naturalistic Paganism?
- Naturalistic Paganism Yahoo Group
- Alliance for Wild Ethics
- Spiritual Naturalist Society
- Swimming the Sacred River (Religious Naturalism)
- Nature Religion for Real
- The Green Fuse
- Embodiment Resources
- Rights of Mother Earth (Bolivia)
- Interview with Theodore Roszak about Ecopsychology
- International Community for Ecopsychology
- Joanna Macy
- Inspiring Naturalism podcasts
- American Humanist Association
- “The Most Astounding Fact” by Neil deGrasse (video)
- “The Pale Blue DoeDot” by Carl Sagan (video)
- “What is God?” by Jason Silva (video)
- Druidic Order of Naturalists
- (OBOD)
- Druid Comparison Table
- Druid Comparison Table (RDNA)
- TOTEG Tribe
- Feraferia
- Tel Shemesh Earth-Based Judaism
- Theologies of Immanence
- Aeclectic Tarot
- Sacred Texts
- History of the Ancient World Religion Archive
- Public Pagan Statues (map)
- Field Guide to the Modern Pagan (humor)
- Theopoetics
- Abraxan (UU) Essay on Worship
- The Foundation for Religious Diplomacy
Jungian Resources
My other blog
Jung’s writings
- Answer to Job
- Commentary on the Secret of the Golden Flower
- Christ, A Symbol of the Self
- Essay on Wotan
- “Is Analytical Psychology a Religion?”
- Memories, Dreams, Reflections (.txt)
- “On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry”
- Psychology and Religion: West and East (complete .txt file)
- Seven Sermons to the Dead
- Psychology of the Unconcious (.html)
- The Red Book (English, no images)
- The Red Book (German, with pictures)
- The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man
- The Visions of Zosimos
- Jung’s Letter to Bill Wilson of Alcoholics Anonymous
- Collection of Jung’s writings (.txt and .pdf)
- Collection of Jung’s writings (scroll down page for English versions)
- Collection of Jung’s writings (.html)
Other writings about Jungian topics
- “Introduction to Jung’s Psychology” by Frieda Fordham
- “Why Jung is Important” by Gary Lachman
- “Jung and the Neopagan Movement” by David Waldron
- “Jung and the Recall of the Gods” by John P. Dourley
- “Foundational Elements of a Jungian Psychology” by John P. Dourley
- “Revisioning Incarnation: Jung On The Relativity Of God” by John P. Dourley
- “Jung and New Age: A Study in Contrasts” by David Tacey
- “Jung’s Contribution to An Ecological Psychology” by Jeremy Yunt
- “Is there an Ecological Unconscious”, New York Times
- Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation
- Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice archives
- Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies
- The Jung Page: Articles
- Jung at Heart Newsletter
- Series in Analytical Psychology
Other Jung Links