A Diamond’s Light – Reflections on the Teachings of Usama Canon

A Diamond’s Light – Reflections on the Teachings of Usama Canon October 13, 2017

Photo source: Ta'Leef Collective
Photo source: Ta’leef Collective

On the Importance of Heart Work and Service

Usama helps us understand the difference between heart-work and hard work. I used to believe that to improve the community, people just needed to work harder. While hard work is important, to better the community you must start with yourself and your own heart. When we focus on improving ourselves, our heart/nafs and curtailing our ego, then we can serve a community properly. Community work starts with our own heartwork.

“One of Usama greatest gifts is his ability to perceive God’s light emanating from the heart of every person he meets, and his simultaneous inability to see our flaws of the ego.” –  Diane Stair (Aunty Diane), San Francisco, CA

“Usama teaches me to always come from the heart whether the lesson was hard or easy. If it was from the real heart, it was from love. He also shows me what it is like to walk in the prophetic way.”  -Melody Baughman (Aunty Nura), Pope Valley, CA

“During some difficult times, Usama advised me that People of the Quran (ahl-Al Quran) are special people and are given divine insight, so tie your heart to the Quran.” – Dr. Ahmed Zaafran, San Jose, CA

“I had the good fortune of working with Usama on the Ta’leef Board for nearly five years. Though he is such a giant of a personality when he speaks in any sized venue, behind the scenes he is so humble and deferential to others that it’s almost uncomfortable. He’s constantly looking for the best path to serve and never assumes he has the answers.”  – Masroor Ahmed, Chicago, IL

“Ustadh Usama teaches me what it means to serve others and not judge anyone from their outward appearances. He also teaches me that people just want to be loved and listened to!”  – Leila Fakira, Dublin, CA

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