: “Pig Fat” Myth Strikes Again In London Hate Crime

: “Pig Fat” Myth Strikes Again In London Hate Crime March 19, 2003

A lot of people out there who hate Islam think that pig fat is to Muslims what garlic is to vampires. Since 9/11, a lot of creative applications of the porcine goo have come to light, dreamed up by people who still believe that smearing the stuff on dead Muslims will prevent their entry into Heaven. The myth has been circulating on the Net for a while in various forms, and has apparently inspired someone to smear bacon on the body of a Muslim grandmother who died of cancer in the UK. Leaving aside the notion that someone would think of an elderly woman as some sort of threat, the act has increased fears in the UK Muslim community of more hate coming their way. “There has been a rise in such attacks, such as desecration of graveyards,” said Sarah Joseph, spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain. “It is quite scary and a bit like 1930s Germany.” A 80034070.php”>unwillingly accept and live with the husband’s decision to marry another wife,” said Mariam Abdul, an activist working on the campaign.

Shahed Amanullah is editor-in-chief of altmuslim.com.

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