Philosophy: strange questions

Philosophy: strange questions June 12, 2006

Sometimes, when people find out I’m a ‘philosopher,’ or just get to know me a bit, they unexpectedly ask the strangest things… This is from the head of our ‘Philosophy Society’ at UM:

What’s up justin,
I was wondering about something? Would you like to give a presentation this coming semester? You’ve been doing some interesting work and I would like to have a glimpse into some. I have also been wondering about a subject that will not leave. I was wondering where Superman came from? Why is it a person is able to imagine having some type of superhuman ability? Why would a person imagine being more than he or she is?

How strange… First he has the absurd notion that I’m doing ‘interesting work’ – where did that come from? Next, he wants me to divulge the secret source of Superman? Come on.

But it does make one ponder… just a bit… especially in light of our personification of God, and gods before God. What would philosophers say?

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