Politics: frustration into action

Politics: frustration into action July 23, 2006

I was sick all this week with a sinus infection, so I haven’t been blogging (or doing much else). But today, after spending an hour or so in the 100°F+ heat of Western Montana, I thought I might say a bit more about Global Warming. I’m no expert, but the experts out there have spoken loud and clear. It’s time for the rest of us to say and do something.

So, on the do side, I’ve just purchased a “terrapass” for my car. Next I’ll buy one for my flight to Spain and back and I’ll continue doing that until either I’m completely broke or there is no longer a need for clean energy and pollution reduction in this world. Terrapass is no panacea, but I love it because it gives us each something we can do, something we ought to do as individuals for our planet. I’m hoping my friends and relatives get them too. A daily reminder of the destruction we each contribute to the earth and a reminder that at least a few of us are counterbalancing that will no doubt help move on the global environmental movement.

There is a lot more we can do. Try here for starters:

The National Safety Council: What You Can Do About Car Emissions

As far as what we can and should say, that depends on us. We all need to speak from our own place in the world, finding our own authentic reasons for care and action in the world. In my own case it is a deepening sense of responsibility to people all over the world whose suffering I might help overcome. It is concern for the young people, including my 10 year old nephew and 6 year old niece and eventually probably my own children whose future will not be so great unless people of my generation (still young and idealistic, but finding their way into jobs, money, power, etc – that is, ways to use that idealism if it isn’t lost along the way) do something about it right now. It is also a concern for my parents and their generation, many of whom will suffer and/or die in the power outages endemic to the heat waves which are sure to only grow in intensity over the next 20 years.

Scary times. But we really don’t have to do a lot – just get the ball rolling – convince those who contribute massively to the problem to stop – stop yourself (terrapass is a start) – educate yourself – tell a friend – tell a family member – tell a congressman…. we can do it.

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