Philosophy; Kant & Epistemology

Philosophy; Kant & Epistemology August 30, 2006

Today was my first day taking classes, which provided a nice diversion from thoughts of teaching. Kant was first, at 8am. We’ll read the Critique of Pure Reason for most of the semester, using the new Cambridge edition of the translation which claims to have not “sacrificed literalness in favor of readability.” Thanks. Kant is incredibly difficult to read in the first place, we rather appreciate those translations that do sacrifice a bit in the name of readability…

Next was Epistemology – the study of knowledge. It sounds terrible, but hopefully we’ll get a good grasp on the central concepts (and not bogged down in superfluous debates or needless nit-picking). I have the opportunity to introduce a text on Indian/Buddhist Epistemology toward the end of the semester, but I’m not sure what I’ll suggest.

Then meetings, 3 in all, dinner, and now… sleep. All rather mundane, but such is life sometimes. Tomorrow I teach again and step into Philosophy of Ecology. More good stuff 🙂

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