Philosophy: If Everyone Lived Like You…

Philosophy: If Everyone Lived Like You… June 1, 2007

Wow… Where are we gonna get those other ones? Hmm.. maybe it’s good that NASA doesn’t think Global Warming is a problem, so they can focus their efforts on finding more earths to support my lifestyle.

Click the image to take the quiz (and let me know how you do in the ‘comments’ section), or see my answers (and pathetic rationalizations) below.

Food Footprint

1.How often do you eat animal based products? (beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products)

Occasionally (no meat or occasional meat, but eggs/dairy almost daily)

No land-meat (I do eat fish a couple times a week), or perhaps a couple times a year when it is offered to me (I’m not puritanical about eating no meat, but I do refuse to purchase it and I do request vegetarian meals when it is an option.) I have many intentions of breaking out of eating cheese and eggs, but it’s damn hard. I do little things like purchasing soy/rice milk; and I’ve quit using those cute little packaged creamers for my coffee – now I just use the chemical powder concoction…

2.How much of the food that you eat is processed, packaged and not locally grown (from more than 200 miles away)?


This is a good question. I’ve just given up bananas after hearing a radio broadcast about the enormous amounts of energy that go into bringing them way up to Montana (and most of America for that matter). So, I’m trying to eat more regionally – and I support the efforts to increase Montana’s reliance on in-state grown foods. The hard part for me often enough (and oddly enough) is the cost of good, healthy, local foods. Unhealthy, packaged, processed crap is cheap.

Goods Footprint

3.Compared to people in your neighborhood, how much waste do you generate?

Much less

Well, I don’t exactly monitor my neighbors’ garbage output, so this could be wrong. But I haven’t generated ANY electronic waste in a long long time – no new gadgets, TVs, VCRs, etc or old one’s to toss out – nor have I had any new furniture or other big house-hold items. I reuse grocery & produce bags and have burlap sacks and aim for products with minimal/recyclable packaging.

Shelter Footprint

4.How many people live in your household?

5 people

Yep, five heathens…

5.What is the size of your home?

1900-2500 square feet

Maybe it’s not that big… Five bedrooms, two baths, large kitchen/dining area and a living room…

6.Which housing type best describes your home?

Free standing house with running water

7.Do you have electricity in your home?

Yes, with energy conservation and efficiency

Compact fluorescents!

Mobility Footprint

8.On average, how far do you travel on public transportation each week (bus, train, subway or ferry)?

0 miles

9.On average, how far do you go by motorbike each week (as a driver or passenger)?

0 miles

10.On average, how far do you go by car each week (as a driver or passenger)?

100-200 miles

Yea, I wanted to opt for the 10-100 miles, but if I count my regular weekend trips to Helena or elsewhere in Montana, it’s easily over 100.

11.Do you bicycle, walk, or use animal power to get around?

Most of the time

True in late spring/summer/early fall at least.

12.Approximately how many hours do you spend flying each year?

25 hours

Across the Atlantic and back about once a year, plus a conference here and there…

13.How many miles per gallon does your car get? (If you do not own a car, estimate the average fuel efficiency of the cars you ride in.)

25-35 miles per gallon

But I do have that fancy Terrapass thing – which maybe negates my car-footprint, and I buy/donate to terrapass flight for my air travel… Hmm… maybe NASA only needs to find two more earths for me.

14.How often do you drive in a car with someone else, rather than alone?

Occasionally (about 25%)

That’s even perhaps a stretch, more like 10%.

Anyhow – take the quiz, let me know how many earths you stomp on with your big eco-feet. I would love to hear how you do better/worse and if and how just taking the quiz impacts the way you think about your daily activities.

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