Obama comedy, Obamedy?

Obama comedy, Obamedy? February 6, 2009

This blog post was sent to me by my friend Sjors in London. It’s well worth a read and, more so, a listen. And I thought Dick Cheney was going to take the cake for foul language in the White House… Guess not.

The very interesting point is that this didn’t come out until after the election. As with Obama’s unproven citizenship and his fumbled swearing in ceremony, I have to wonder if this won’t spark yet another crazy right-wing conspiracy.


And for those who are ever-fascinated with the all-too-human phenomenon of anger, here’s some helpful background info:

In the Christian tradition, the sin of anger or wrath (ira in Latin) is considered “deadly” because it means a fatal rupture in our connection with God…

Part of the “middle brain”, or limbic system, they are our mammalian “fight or flight” monitors, which kick in before the higher reasoning faculties of the cerebral cortex have a chance to react….

…the Roman physician Galen (AD 129-200), … thought it best to control anger by finding a teacher or philosopher to learn from, much as you would find a doctor if you were ill…

Road rage now has a medical name: “intermittent explosive disorder”, supposedly the result of inadequate production of serotonin in the brain….

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