A day out in Missoula

A day out in Missoula January 30, 2010

As mentioned in my last post, it was yet another beautiful (though cold) day in Missoula, MT and I decided to add about 3o minutes of walking into my afternoon Pali studies.

I’m very happy and lucky now to live just 3 blocks from the “hip strip” and 5 from downtown (with the Clark Fork river constituting the dividing line). Here are some photos from the journey to and from my Pali study spot in downtown Zoo town.

The Clark Fork – about as low as I’ve ever seen it. Facing east with Mount Jumbo and Mount Sentinel in the distance.

The historic Florence Building (and me) in a reflection from the new First Interstate Bank building, downtown.

Now on the way home, about 30 minutes before sunset. Crossing the bridge over the Clark Fork again. Now looking west.

Interesting color splats on the once-serene white snow and ice over the Clark Fork.

Sunset in Sepia.

I loved it when I zoomed in and thought for a moment that I could see stars reflected in the water near the bottom. Only to find out they were… Well, see for yourself.

The beauty here each day is amazing. Even when it’s cloudy one just has to remember that clear skies can be found amongst the great mountains in all directions. Which, hopefully, is where I’m headed on Sunday….

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