New links to check out

New links to check out July 8, 2010

This week I received a very kind email from Ashok Kumar of about sharing links.  I’ve added the blog, but noted that if it looks too much like a money-making gig or simply reposts other people’s stories, I would remove it, with respect to my readers (you) and him. Have a look and let me know what you (my readers) think.

While adding that one I remembered one that I’ve admired for a very long time and never managed to add to my list. It’s the blog of Michael Thaler, aka Daiku. The blog is named “One Foot in Front of the Other,” which exemplifies perfectly Daiku’s unwavering determination as he lost the battle with cancer over two years ago. Here is a poem written just weeks before his passing:


Looking in my bathroom mirror
I see the steady progress of death
as he moves like an eclipse
across my face

My skin grows more taut
my beard is shot through with gray
my eyes are increasingly bloodshot
I can’t recognize this person staring back at me —
in fact
this stranger is scaring me

My physical weakness astounds me
my arms don’t listen anymore
my sense of balance has forsaken me

But, blessing of blessings
I can still feel the life spark
I can still feel the life spark

His family has taken on the blog and his artwork, so do visit and say hello. While he has passed away, his spirit lives brightly in his writing and photography. It is pure inspiration.

I also just came across a helpful site called Numeric Buddhism, which helps sort out some of the many lists found in Buddhism. And that I found via the great new online journal, Prapañca

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