Aung San Suu Kyi Address to US Congress

Aung San Suu Kyi Address to US Congress June 24, 2011

Click here (.pdf) for a complete transcript.

A key passage from her address, via the U.S. Campaign for Burma, is as follows:

“Professor Quintana has spoken of the need for a commission of inquiry into human rights violations in Burma. I support his call for such a commission, making it quite clear that a commission of inquiry is not tribunal. It is simply a commission of inquiry to find out what human rights violations have taken place and what we can do to ensure that such violations do not take place in the future. I would appreciate everything that is done to help Professor Quintana in his work. Because, unless we respect the work of the Human Rights Rapporteur, I do not think we will be able to make much progress towards the implementation of the resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council.”

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