For the last year and a half I have been ‘studying’ Hindi. I haven’t really gotten very far -too many other projects- but now that I live with a handful of Hindi speakers, I figured I’d give it another go. Part of my studies involves daily email lessons. Here is a bit of today’s lesson entitled:
यह मरुस्थल ( desert ) वीरान (desolate ) है |
( Yah marusthal veeraan hai. )
It is a desolate desert.
Yep, I’m sure I’ll be using that soon.
बर्फ ( ice ) एवं हिम ( snow ) में क्या अंतर (difference ) है ?
(Barf evam him mein kya antar hai ? )
What is the difference in ice and snow?
I’ll save this for a quiet moment in that मरुस्थल वीरान, desolate desert. By the way, notice that the Hindi word for ‘ice’ is barf. There, you’ve learned more Hindi in 30 seconds than I do in an average 30 days.
पृथ्वी अस्थिर ( unstable ) है |
(Prithvee asthir hai. )
The earth is unstable.
ज्वालामुखी ( Volcano ) सुशुप्त (निष्क्रिय) है |
(Jawalaamukhee sushupt or nishkriy hai.)
The volcano is dormant.
यह चक्रवाती ( cyclonic ) हवा है|
( Yah chakravaatee hava hai. )
It is a cyclonic wind.
I’m beginning to think the people in charge of this were a bit preoccupied.
पार्थिव शरीर ( body ) भेजा (sent ) जा रहा है |
(Paarthiv sharer bheja jaa raha hai.)
The dead body is being sent.
Okay, wait a minute…
मैं निरंतर (constantly ) उस लडकी का रोना ( cry ) सुनता ( hear ) हूँ|
(Main rirantar us ladkee ka rona sunata huun.)
I constantly hear the cry of that girl .
How do you say, “This is getting creepy?”
हम कारागार (jail ) में सड़ ( languish ) रहे हैं|
(Ham kaaraagaar mein sad rahey hain. )
We are languishing in jail (prison).