Free book from H.H. the Dalai Lama

Free book from H.H. the Dalai Lama December 12, 2011

Beyond Religion EbookYes. For another week or so, you can get a free download of the Dalai Lama’s latest book, read by Martin Sheen, “Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World.”

I’ve been listening to the first part of it over the last couple days and all I can say is, “wow, did the Dalai Lama read Kant?” Ethics going beyond religion? Based on some more fundamental aspect of humanity that makes us all perfectly equal? Huh? Yea, it’s good.

Even better than the free audio book, I’ll have a physical copy to give away on this blog next month.

In the mean time, I have some traveling to do: 22 hours worth to reach my big sis in Denver, a few days there, and then a 13+ hour drive in her mini cooper to Montana. Ahh, the great wide open spaces of the American West. Sigh. If you believe in prayer, please help us pray that we don’t get hit with a blizzard in Wyoming. Oh joy.

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