Memorializing a Buddhist Blog List

Memorializing a Buddhist Blog List June 14, 2018

Back in the early days of blogging (this blog began in 2004), the bloglist was an integral part of connecting with fellow writers and following their work. A growing list meant a growing network of fellow-minded travelers. For me this included academics, travelers, friends, photographers, and philosophers.

From 2011 or so through the last couple years, the blogging world has shifted. Or perhaps I have shifted alone and away from much of the “Buddhist blogosphere” as this amorphous space was once dubbed. The list, which was once maintained dutifully as part of the right-sidebar of our content was booted somewhere along the line by “management” who likely needed the space for those ads or just wanted a more uniform and tidy general appearance. My list, like many others, was moved to a “page” which can be found somewhere up above all of this with the title “Recommended.”

Right now it looks like this (but that’ll change in mere minutes, so don’t expect this when you click that link):

Western Ethics



Buddhisty Blogs

108 Zen Books A Buddhist Catholic Adam’s Home Brew Dharma Ashin Sopāka – a Raft Bitterroot Badger Bodhi Tree Swaying Buddha Space Buddhist Blog, James Ure Buddhist Military Sangha Center for Buddhist Studies – Columbia U. Chaplain Danny Fisher DJ Buddha – Scott Mitchell Enlightenment Ward – NellaLou Firehorse Homeless Tom Indology Resources Integral Options Jayarava’s Raves Jesus Practice Jizo Chronicles – Maia Duerr Just This – MT Cheri Kloncke Kyle – reform buddhism Loden Jinpa – Philosopher Lotus in the Mud Nacho’s Woodmore Village Notes in Samsara – Mumon Numinous Nonsense One World at a Time Peaceful TurmoilPiya Tan’s website Precious Metal R-P-E Gloucestershire, UK Richard Hayes – irreverant academia Run with Mu Theravadin – a practice blogWandering Dhamma – Thailand Where you Stop Zen Dirt Zen Dust Zen Traveler – Zazen Iraq

Reading Recommendations

The list is, for me, a grand walk down memory lane. A good lesson on impermanence. It’s also a rabbit hole of clicks and conversations past and present.

And such is the stream of life. Stepping back. Catching one’s breath. Smiling, sighing. Missing many. Overall, grateful.


My blogroll obviously has lost some of the importance it once had. Facebook seems much more a source of the latest and greatest, or google news, or even twitter. But I’ll revisit that “Recommended” page and see what I might make of it.

Do you have a favorite blog I should include? Or a blogroll you regularly consult for all that is near and dear – especially, but not exclusively – to American Buddhism? If so, I’d love to hear from you as I lay this list to rest and consider the building of a new one.

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