
Home. June 2, 2014

Today, I was going to write a long post. About how happy I am to be home after two years of rebuilding. About what home means. About how good it feels to walk around ‘our’ land and know each plant and bird and critter by name. About how happy those beings seem that we’re back — the non-corporeal ones, too. (I’m sure the sweet things I left in the trees and the little “Happy to be home!” song I sang helped with the latter.)

But as happy as I am, I’m surrounded by boxes, the house smells of paint, and I’m exhausted. So instead of a long post, here is a picture of the wonderful green being known as Water Avens (Geum rivale), who has welcomed me home so beautifully, with slender stalks and modest pink and peachy heads.

Water Avens

Beautiful, yes?

Indeed, I’m happy to be home. This is what home means.

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