5 Ways to Show Your Spouse LOVE AND GRATITUDE

5 Ways to Show Your Spouse LOVE AND GRATITUDE November 17, 2016


2.  Be intentional about thanking your spouse for the EVERY DAY TASKS he/she does.

There are many things that our spouse does for us and our family that we may innocently overlook.  Things like cleaning the house, doing laundry, paying the bills on time, going to work, taking the kids various places, helping the kids with homework, etc., are part of every day life, but these tasks still take a lot of time and effort and are something to be thankful for.  For example, any given week, my husband is intentional about thanking me for keeping the house tidy.  I tend to do more of the housework in our family because I work from home.  I am happy to do it, but it makes me happier to do it when Dave thanks me for working hard to keep the house clean and organized.

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When Life is Hard, Do THIS to Protect Your Marriage


3.  Encourage your KIDS to thank your spouse for what he/she does for them.

This is HUGE!  The earlier we can teach our kids how to be thankful, the more they will approach the world with a heart of thankfulness.  And, it starts at home.  Be intentional about reminding your kids that mom/dad took the time to take them to practice, make a hot dinner, helped them with their homework, etc..  These reminders will help children to be mindful of all they have to be thankful for, and your spouse will love hearing “Thank you” from the kiddos on a regular basis.

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4.  Don’t just say it; SHOW your spouse how thankful you are for him/her.

A verbal “thank you” is great, but it’s important to take things up a notch every now and then.  Bring a gift home for your spouse to show your appreciation.  Hide a little love/thank you note in your spouse’s jacket.  Take him/her to a favorite restaurant to show your love and gratitude for your spouse.  Be creative.  He/she will love that you put some thought into it and took the time to show your appreciation for him/her.

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5.  Thank your spouse for WHO they are, NOT JUST WHAT they do.

This is the most important one of all.  We should certainly thank our spouse for the many things they do to make our lives better, but we can’t let that overshadow how thankful we are for who they are to us.  Take time to look into your spouse’s eyes and thank him/her for the joy he/she brings to your life.  Thank your spouse for the laughter he/she brings into your home.  Thank your partner for the way that he/she accepts you for exactly who you are.  Whatever special way your spouse makes you feel, thank him/her for that.  And, do it often.

When you both approach one another with a heart of thankfulness every day, your marriage will thrive.

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