If You’re Marriage is Hanging on by a Thread, Do These 4 Things RIGHT NOW

If You’re Marriage is Hanging on by a Thread, Do These 4 Things RIGHT NOW January 8, 2018


4. Commit to praying with and for each other every day.

Prayer is a powerful tool that helps us to humble ourselves towards God and one another, and it brings us closer together like nothing else can. And, there is no better time to pray than when we are in a rough patch in our marriage. Yet, many of us neglect this amazing gift because we are disillusioned and upset. But, Friends, we must get past those sentiments and get on our knees in prayer.

God meets us right where we are, no matter what we have done or how hopeless our marriage may feel. He brings us strength when we are weak. He gives us the words to speak to Him and one another when we feel like we are completely depleted and uninspired. He can bring peace to what feels like a war zone in our home–if we let Him in. We can do this through prayer.

Join hands with your spouse and ask the Lord to forgive you both for any part of your lives that isn’t honoring Him. Praise Him for the blessing of your spouse and marriage, and ask Him to help you both to do whatever it takes to heal it and strengthen it. Thank Him for all that He has done for you both. When you and your spouse take the time to pray together, you will feel the peace that surpasses understanding that only God can give. And, you will feel closer to one another too.

If you want to pray but you’re not sure where to start, please read, “A Prayer for my Husband” and “A Prayer for my Wife.”

Don't make consistent posts WITHOUT including your spouse.

You may also want to purchase our His and Hers books called, 7 Days to a Stronger Marriage, by clicking here. There is a prayer and activity that you both can do together each day, AND you will receive FREE videos when you from this site today.

You WILL get through this time of struggle in your marriage when you both do whatever it takes to fight for your marriage and refuse to give up.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing. Be blessed!

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