For the MAMA Who is Having a ROUGH DAY

For the MAMA Who is Having a ROUGH DAY September 17, 2018

I love this verse because it gives us a glimpse of Mary’s heart as a mother.  I can’t imagine what she was feeling as she carried Jesus all those months and then finally found a place to give birth after a long and difficult journey.  I’m sure she was scared and unsure of her surroundings, but I also believe that God gave her a true peace that surpassed her understanding.  In the midst of all the animal sounds and smells around her–all the exhaustion–all the pressure that would come with birthing and raising the Savior of the world–she chose to treasure the moment.  So awesome and inspiring!

As beautiful and amazing as that is, this isn’t the only time the Bible mentions Mary “treasuring up.” Later in Luke 2, the author tells the story about Mary and Joseph losing track of Jesus during a festival in Jerusalem. This was the Passover festival where there would have been thousands of people. As the story goes, Mary and Joseph didn’t even realize that Jesus was missing until three days later! Can you imagine?

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