To their credit, they were most likely managing a lot of kids within the very chaotic streets of Jerusalem and trying to make the trek back home.
Once they realized that Jesus wasn’t with them, they began to panic just like any other parents would. They thought He was among the many relatives and friends who were making the journey with them, but He wasn’t. I can’t even imagine the utter panic they must have felt in their hearts! When they couldn’t find him, they turned around and rushed back to Jerusalem to find a calm and safe twelve year-old Jesus studying with the teachers at the temple.
It was in that very moment of finally finding Jesus, enveloped in relief and a whole mixture of emotions, that Mary “treasured up all these things in her heart.” She didn’t dwell on the fact that they lost the Savior of the World for three whole days and worry about what others might think about them as parents. She didn’t hold onto anger against Jesus for creating this panic in them by choosing to stay behind all by himself. She didn’t allow thoughts of insecurity or failure to take residence in her mind and heart.
Mary didn’t focus on trying to measure up to someone else’s standard, or even her own for that matter. She chose to treasure up God’s goodness around her. She chose to be thankful for finding Jesus safe and sound. She even chose to see Jesus’ desire to learn from the teachers and be in the temple as a sign of great maturity. I imagine Mary beaming with pride and tearing up as she listened to Jesus ask the teachers questions and grow in knowledge (once her heart calmed down a bit, of course). It’s like she saw the very first glimpse of God’s power and wisdom trickling out of her precious Son. And, you bet she treasured up every single drop of that goodness.
Sweet Mama, no matter what you are feeling in this moment, no matter how frustrated you are and how much you think you or your kids have ruined the day, please know that God loves you. Resist those defeating thoughts that you will never measure up as a mom. Those are lies straight from the enemy, friend.
God calls you His beloved child (John 1:12). His daughter (2 Cor. 6:18). A masterpiece (Eph. 2:10). You measure up because He made you. When it comes to being the mom that God created us to be, He wants us to try and treasure up His goodness in every situation. This doesn’t mean that we won’t continue to face hard things, but it does mean that we will NEVER face them alone. And, our minds and hearts will become accustomed to seeking out and finding the best kind of treasure there is–the sticky-sweet gifts and moments from God that He has placed in our lives.
Thanks so much for reading, sharing, and responding. Be blessed!