5 Steps to Make Your Marriage Explode (in a Good Way!)

5 Steps to Make Your Marriage Explode (in a Good Way!) November 14, 2017

Back in the day, I was an analyst on Wall Street. In the world of finance, there are all sorts of sexy, exotic ways to earn and save extra money, but one of the most proven methods is also the most basic: a phenomenon known as compound interest. Dave Ramsey calls it a “mathematical explosion.” If you invest money, you receive the return back with the interest earned. If you then reinvest that return, you earn interest on the interest. Mathematical explosion…boom!

It turns out, we can do the same thing in marriage. Over the course of several research studies, we discovered a few specific ways to “invest” in marriage that deliver compound results—results that end up being far sexier than you might expect. (And yes, one of them involves sex!)

Whether you’re in a great place in your marriage or are really discouraged and barely hanging on, try these five steps and watch your marriage respond in an explosive way.

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