
SHAUNTI FELDHAHN is a wife and mom first, as well as a popular speaker and best-selling author.  After receiving a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti started out on Wall Street, but now applies her analytical experience in a totally different way.

Today, Shaunti is a social researcher investigating the most important things we all need to know about the most important people in our lives – the vital surprises about the inner thoughts, feelings, fears and needs that they deeply wish we understood.  As a result, her research has uncovered the little changes that have big impacts in our lives, marriages, families and workplace relationships.  Her eye-opening books, including For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men, and For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women, have sold more than two million copies in 22 languages. Her latest book, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, is all about the little things that make a big difference. The Good News About Marriage, a companion book, will be published in May.

Close to her own personal challenges, Shaunti has also tackled how to have biblical life balance as a busy modern woman (The Life Ready Woman: Thriving In a Do-It-All World) and how teen and pre-teen girls (like her daughter) can look to God for affirmation, instead of to friends, guys, clothes, or food (Made to Crave for Young Women, co-authored with Lysa TerKeurst).

Shaunti has also uncovered knowledge that has proven to be game-changing for talented, high-potential women in the workplace as well as for men who want to cultivate positive working relationships and champion female players for advancement (For Women Only in the Workplace, and for the general market titled The Male Factor: The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions and Secret Beliefs of Men in the Workplace).

Shaunti’s keynote speeches, pastoral interviews, leadership consultations and team training sessions are based on more than ten years of research, including countless surveys and thousands of interviews and focus groups with men, women and teens across the globe. Learn more about speaking opportunities here.

Shaunti and her findings have also been featured in media as diverse as The Today Show and Focus on the Family, The New York Times and MomLife Today, Cosmo and Lifeway’s Living With Teenagers magazine. Based out of Atlanta, she and her family are intensely grateful for the crazy but wonderful life God has given them.