When Your Man Gets Upset About Money

When Your Man Gets Upset About Money January 18, 2018

1 When Your Man Gets Upset About Money

Have you ever seen your normally laid-back husband suddenly become uptight and just a little crazy when you come home with a trunk full of grocery bags? I mean, he needs to eat too, right? Where does he think his favorite chips come from? The budget is balanced, the bills are paid, there’s money in savings, and yet he gets tense when you take money allocated to groceries and …go buy groceries.

Or maybe it’s a pile of shopping bags from the mall.  Or the consignment store down the street. Maybe he’s even more of the spender in your family– and yet your purchases still seem to bother him!

Before you lose it, whack him with that bag of groceries, and accuse him of being unfair (Or judgmental. Or controlling.) take a moment to understand a secret pressure that is there inside. Here are four secrets about why he responds the way he does – and what you can do about it.

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