Make His Day By Doing This In the Bedroom

Make His Day By Doing This In the Bedroom March 21, 2019

What would you say if I told you that you could do one thing tonight in the bedroom for your husband that would most likely MAKE HIS DAY (or week or month)?  

Keep the lights on during sex.

Did I just hear a collective gasp out there from women who are cringing at the thought of exposing, well . . . we all know what we don’t love exposing! Especially after several years and babies and let’s be honest—gravity. But before you totally tune me out, read on about why I’m suggesting this simple yet potentially nerve-wracking idea for your intimate time with your husband.

In all my years of researching the things our husbands wish we knew but don’t know how to say, I heard the heart behind this wish—and saw 5 surprising reasons our husbands want us to take the risk of keeping those lights ON:

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