The Best Thing My Mother Has Ever Done For Me

The Best Thing My Mother Has Ever Done For Me May 11, 2019

My hope is that we can all recognize the need to draw that loving kindness from the source that my mom has always drawn it from—the loving presence and power of our Heavenly Father. Because being imperfect creatures, we cannot do this on our own.

So today I want to honor all of you moms out there who are just trying your best to make that conscious decision every day to be the mom God is calling you to be. Those of you who are waking up each morning and trying to be kind rather than snarky. Showing love even when a child is acting unlovable. Choosing a soft heart when it feels like the hardest possible choice at that moment. Asking forgiveness when we fail, and trying to get it right the next time. And doing it all over again tomorrow.  

Those small, individual, moment-by-moment decisions add up to make a huge difference in the lives of your kids. I’m a testament to that. I promise, your children are being blessed by you today . . . and will be blessed by you in decades to come.

Happy Mother’s Day to my sweet mom. I love you so much.

And to all you amazing moms out there! Thanks for all you do. You are truly making an eternal difference. Check out Shaunti’s most recent devotional Find Peace: A 40-Day Devotional Journey for Moms.

Looking for encouragement for your life and relationships? Learn about the little things that make a big difference in every relationship, from marriages to parenting. Subscribe to updates from Shaunti here!

Shaunti Feldhahn loves sharing eye-opening information that helps people thrive in life and relationships. She herself started out with a Harvard graduate degree and Wall Street credentials but no clue about life. After an unexpected shift into relationship research for average people like her, she now is a popular speaker and author of best-selling books about men, women and relationships. (Including For Women Only, For Men Only, and the groundbreaking The Good News About Marriage).

Her latest book, Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms, focuses on discovering biblical direction to become a woman of serenity and delight in all seasons – and have impact for generations to come.

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