Finding Hope in a Breast Cancer Journey – PART 2

Finding Hope in a Breast Cancer Journey – PART 2 October 11, 2022

Finding my ultimate source of hope

It’s been almost 20 months since we got that call, and I’m now in the process that every breast cancer survivor intimately understands: I’m having regular scans and lab work and doing ongoing hormonal therapy to try to prevent the cancer from coming back. It is easy to forget about it in between the various checks. And then as they approach, questions start sneaking into my head like “what happens if it isn’t normal? What happens if the mammogram shows something this time?”

My next set of mammograms and scans are coming up in a few weeks. And I would be lying if I said that those questions aren’t in my mind at times. There is trauma associated with thinking about having to go through all that again. But then I remind myself of the truths I’m writing in my next devotional, titled Find Hope: God is bigger than all of this. He is good. His plans and purposes can be trusted. And He is in control. That is the only way to settle our minds and hearts about looming questions that have no obvious clear-cut, reassuring answer.

I also realize that even though the enemy meant this for evil, God has been using it for good. This journey has grown my faith, Jeff’s faith, and no doubt the faith of our children. This (hopefully temporary) brush with a potentially deadly disease merely emphasizes that which we know but don’t often think about: this world is not our home. The times of pain have shown that we can lean hard against God, and He will not let us drop. When things are hard and difficult, we have seen that He is there to bring comfort.  And we know that no matter what transpires in any of our lives, there is an eternal hope that is far more important than anything that happens here.

In a few weeks, I’m expecting to go in for my appointments and hear that the scans are normal. (I’d appreciate your prayers for that!) But if God allows a different answer, it doesn’t change how much we can trust Him.

For those of you who are indeed walking through a different season – walking through something hard and challenging, with answers that you don’t like – fix your eyes on Jesus.  My prayer for you is that you lean hard against our Heavenly Father who loves you . . . and see that He has a purpose, that He good, and that you can trust Him.

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