Sunday Poetry: She slipped to Earth

Sunday Poetry: She slipped to Earth September 14, 2014

Photo by Simon Richardson
Photo by Simon Richardson

…she slipped to earth,
so quietly, without fanfare,
her satin foot
gliding to ground
like a whisper,
as if to say,
you too can land like this,
as I did, just now,
remade in your arrival
but quiet, unassuming,
able to take the familiar hurt,
once again
of being here and being found,
can come to earth
as if grounding lightly
on the sand of a new world,
re-imagined and witnessed
and reborn
as you were,
by that flight
you made against the sky.

Excerpt from:
‘For Matilda Leyser and her new Son’
From Pilgrim: Poems by David Whyte
©2012 David Whyte: Revised Sept 2014

PHOTO © David Whyte
Nymphs following Persephone,
Getty Villa. February 2014

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