February 2, 2006

For 5,000 years astrologers worked with the same seven planets (Mercury through Saturn – now known as the “inner planets.” The discovery of Uranus in 1781, followed by Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930 changed astrology forever by introducing the concept of “transpersonal” planets. Where the inner planets rule issues of personality and individuality, the outer planets rule issues of individual rights and the collective (Uranus), transcendence, mysticism and spirituality (Neptune) and death and transformation (Pluto). Chiron’s discovery in... Read more

January 31, 2006

George. W Bush gives his State of the Union address tonight, a good opportunity to take a look at what the year ahead has in store for our Prez-dent. (To learn more about Bush’s astrological dynamics review his profile here.) In the 2004-2005 period Bush went through his second Saturn return, the time when transiting Saturn “returns” to the same degree as Saturn in a person’s birthchart. The first Saturn return occurs at age 28-30 and represents the time in... Read more

January 30, 2006

My sister Jill is often doubted by our family, but darned if she doesn’t always turn out to be right. She supported Howard Dean, or HoDee as she likes to call him, in the last election whereas I fell for the smear campaign waged by both the Republicans and his own Democratic party that painted him a lunatic. Dean doesn’t look much like a lunatic these days – he was the one of very few Dems in the primaries that... Read more

January 29, 2006

The latest edition of Skywatch, a monthly report on current planetary cycles, is now posted at my website. These planetary cycles and the energy climates they create are also reviewed on this blog for the most up-to-date planetary weather report! Read more

January 28, 2006

“The moon for all her light and grace has never learned to know her place….” from Robert Frost’s poem, Two Leading Lights art by Deanna Hartman The New Moon occurs on January 29 at 9:15 am EST. The Sun and Moon will be conjunct in Aquarius, as part of a powerful collection of five planets in Aquarius within 13 degrees that also includes Chiron (the wounded healer), Mercury (communication issues) and Neptune (mystery and transcendence). Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius,... Read more

January 26, 2006

Kate, played by Evangeline Lilly, is one of my favorite characters on Lost, the fabulous ABC-TV program. Aside from her obvious beauty, she has a lovely androgynous quality that combines toughness with a sweet vulnerability. In my article The Astrology of Lost Kate is represented as a Gemini, with Charlie (Dominic Monaghan’s character) as a Pisces. I was curious to see not only how their relationship worked, but also wondered how closely their actual birthcharts reflect their character’s personas and... Read more

January 25, 2006

Being a participant in sibling rivalry in my own family, I found myself thinking immediately of suicide when I heard of Chris Penn’s death yesterday. Sean Penn is one of the noted actors of a generation and Michael Penn has received a fair amount of press as a musician, yet in researching Chris Penn’s life for this article I could find very little information on him other than news of his death in a Santa Monica apartment. No mansion, no... Read more

January 24, 2006

Jupiter and Neptune have begun a battle which will continue until the end of March, at which point they will briefly separate and come together again in September. The cycle that we are currently in is similar to the period of “irrational exuberance” just before the stock market bubble popped in the first quarter of the year 2000. The conflict between Jupiter and Neptune in their square aspect creates an environment of optimism (Jupiter) that is largely based on fantasy... Read more

January 22, 2006

Aquarius is an air sign, dealing with the realm of the intellect. Aquarius is the “dryest” of the air signs, with the least amount of connection to the water element of emotions, so it is interesting that the symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, who manipulates the emotional realms but remains dry and detached. Aquarius is primarily concerned with nothing less than the ultimate expression of the human destiny. Aquarians (and this includes not only those with Sun in... Read more

January 21, 2006

(painting by Werner Horvath.) The recent release of an audiotape supposedly from Osama bin Laden brings up many interesting issues and ties in perfectly to the current planetary configuration with Mars opposing Jupiter, both squared by Neptune. Mars, the aggressive urge, is being expanded and aggrandized by Jupiter resulting in aggressive behavior and rhetoric across the globe. Neptune creates a veil of mystery and illusion, perfectly mirroring the disappearance of bin Laden, who threatens an increase (Jupiter) of attacks (Mars)... Read more

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